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Shipped January 31, 2011

Give Me The Brain

You think working in a fast-food restaurant is hell? This place is worse. All the employees are zombies (that includes you). The jobs are repetitive and gross. The customers ask stupid questions. And all the zombies have to share a single brain . . . and they keep dropping it on the floor.

In Give Me The Brain by James Ernest (Lord of the Fries), all the players are zombies, shuffling and moaning through their horrible jobs. Whoever gets rid of all his jobs first will win. Every turn, you can do a couple of things . . . and, if you're sneaky, you can also push a job or two onto the other players.

The catch? Some jobs actually require a brain . . . and there's only one in the whole restaurant . . . and the zombies keep dropping it.

Give Me the Brain is a quick card game for 3-8 players.

Boxed game with 112 linen-finished cards, full-color illustrated rulesheet, and six-sided die. Stock #1802, UPC 837654320914. $19.99.


It's the ultimate book of spells . . . the Munchkinomicon. But beware! If you aren't munchkinly enough, the Munchkinomicon will slip away and find a more suitable host. This set includes the Munchkinomicon and 14 of its deviously cheesy spells, like United I Stand, Eldritch Cleaver, and Unnatural Compulsion.

This is an expansion for ANY Munchkin game. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkinomicon pack is the same as every other.

This standalone pack is out of print, but you can get the cards from this expansion in Munchkin Game Changers.

Finseal pack containing 15 cards. Stock #4208, UPC 837654320938. $4.99.

Shipped January 17, 2011

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Shipped January 31, 2011

Munchkin Bites! (Reprint)

It's the World of Dorkness!

The Munchkins are now vampires . . . and werewolves . . . and changelings. Bash through the haunted house and slay the monsters. The OTHER monsters. You can't slay your fellow munchkins, but you can curse them, send foes at them, and take their stuff. Of course . . .

This is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. And it's illustrated by John Kovalic. OF COURSE. See Igor, Gilly, and all the other Dork Tower characters in their munchkin-vampire finery . . .

So bring along your Coffin (+3!) and wield The Sword Of Beheading People Just Like In That Movie. Face foes like the Banshee, the Heck Hounds, and the dreaded Were-Muskrat. Smite them all, and be the first to Level 10 . . .

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1419, UPC 837654320464. $24.99.

Shipped January 31, 2011

Munchkin 5 – De-Ranged (Reprint)

More of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!

De-Ranged has everything you love about Munchkin, including:

  • A new Class! Rangers can tame monsters and ride them!
  • Treasure! Track down the Philosopher's Scone, put Racing Stripes on your Steed, and fill your Canteen of Spleen with Carbonated Holy Water!
  • Monsters! Beware the Telemarketer, the Poultrygeist, and the Undead Clowns.
  • And imported monsters! That's right - this set includes unique monsters created by the European Munchkin publishers, available for the first time in English. Quake in fear at the Brothers Grimm and the Snerks! Or just kill them and take their stuff. Your choice.

Now with full-color art!

Munchkin 5 – De-Ranged. All the munchkin-ism of a prestige class, with none of that annoying roleplaying stuff.

112 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1450, UPC 837654320662. $19.99.

Shipped January 31, 2011

Munchkin 6 – Demented Dungeons (Reprint)

Now It's Really A Dungeon Crawl!

Demented Dungeons brings a new twist to Munchkin. Now you can enter the Dungeon of Elvish Excess, where everyone is an Elf. Or take a Portal to the Dungeon of Manga Wrangling, where tentacles are even more dangerous. Or power up in the Dungeon of Unexpected Epicness -- although it's hardly "unexpected," given the name. Or all of them at once!

Each of the 20 double-sized Dungeon cards adds a new rule that affects the entire party, and maybe the monsters, too! Use the 16 Portal cards to jump from one Dungeon to the next in your search for gold and glory.

Munchkin 6 -- Demented Dungeons is an expansion for the classic Munchkin set, and was designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic.

20 double-sized cards, 16 standard-sized cards, and a rulesheet, in a tuckbox. Stock #1457, UPC 837654320594. $10.99.

Shipped January 20, 2011

Epic Munchkin (Reprint)

Does your Munchkin adventure end too soon? There you are, multi-raced and multi-classed, with three hands full of killer items, buffed up with sidekicks and Munchkin Fu styles . . . and the game's over. Rejoice, for Epic Munchkin is here. This rules set includes the Epic rules for Munchkin (including Unnatural Axe, Clerical Errors, The Need for Steed, and De-Ranged), Star Munchkin (and The Clown Wars), Munchkin Fu (but not Monky Business, since it didn't add any new Races or Classes), Munchkin Bites! (and Pants Macabre), Super Munchkin (and The Narrow S Cape), Munchkin Impossible, Munchkin Cthulhu, Munchkin Booty (and Jump the Shark), and Munchkin Dice.

6-page PDF. Stock #37-2011, $FREE.

Shipped January 17, 2011

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe (Reprint)

112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Catapult and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to any of the other Munchkin game sets instead. It'll work, and it'll be silly, and that's what we all want here.

112 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1410, UPC 837654320457. $19.99.

Shipped January 17, 2011

Super Munchkin (Reprint)

Fly through the city. Smash the villains. Backstab your teammates and grab their gadgets.

Munchkin has parodied the classic dungeon, the kung-fu warrior, the space epic, and the creatures of the night. Now it's the superheroes' turn!

Be a Mutant, an Exotic, a Mystic, or a Techno. The higher your Level, the more Powers you can have. Battle dastardly masterminds, devastating monsters, and invading aliens from the next dimension -- from the wimpy Bucketman all the way up to Big Ol' Planet Eater Guy himself -- and TAKE THEIR STUFF! With the Electro-Mento-Hat, the Telezapinator, and the (jet-powered) Pogo Stick, no foe can stand before you!

Super Munchkin is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, this one is destined to RULE THE WORLD! Mwahahaha!

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1440, UPC 837654320471. $24.99.

Shipped January 17, 2011

Munchkin Bites! 2 – Pants Macabre (Reprint)

Munchkin is about beating up monsters, taking their stuff, and sequels. Munchkin Bites! brings munchkin madness to the world of Goths and vampires.

Can you face the sonic stylings of Ten Inch Tacks, the annoyance of the Gnat Bats, and the chilling waddle of the Were-Penguin? Will you wield the might of Power Piercing and revel in the Huge Dice Pool, or will you be bludgeoned by Bad Fiction? And do you dare play the new Race . . . the Mummy?

In addition to the always awesome art from John Kovalic, we have two guest artists: Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance and Maritza Campos of College Roommates from Hell. The jokes can be blamed on Steve Jackson.

It's got 110 shiny new . . . no, not shiny – dark! It's got 110 dark and evil new cards, plus two blanks to create your own. And of course, like all other Munchkin releases, this supplement is completely compatible with the original Munchkin and all its supplements and spinoffs. Of course, since Pants Macabre has powers, it will work especially well with Super Munchkin.

112 cards and rulesheet, in a tuckbox. Stock #1443, UPC 837654320624. $19.99.

Shipped January 17, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu (Reprint)

Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge -- Cthulhu! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up?

Munchkin Cthulhu is a stand-alone game that lampoons Lovecraft's Mythos and the horror gaming that surrounds it. Brought to you by Steve Jackson and John Kovalic, this set features four Classes -- including the Cultist -- and a lot of classic monsters from outside reality. And they all have Stuff you can take from their twitching bodies.

You can play Munchkin Cthulhu by itself, or combine it with any number of other Munchkin games for mind-bending silliness.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1447, UPC 837654320495. $24.99.

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Shipped January 27, 2011

Space Gamer #56

Space Gamer #56 (cover date October 1982) gives you a world between its covers, with room for more! Scientists agree: Here's a gallon of fun jammed into a quart-sized container.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes "Unnight," an in-depth world setting for Space Opera; a new heavy weapon -- the splat gun -- for Traveller; Steve Jackson's insight into how to translate D&D creatures to TFT; an in-depth review of the Pirates & Plunder RPG; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2356, $3.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped January 27, 2011

GURPS Powers: Divine Favor

When All Else Fails . . . Pray!

In times of trouble, believers in many settings may call on a higher power for help. Some of the time, that higher power answers the call . . .

GURPS Powers: Divine Favor presents a complete system for miraculous intervention. Subtle or stupendous, quiet or cacophonous, the powers herein are perfect for any holy-minded hero hoping to save his friends, the world, or even his soul. This supplement contains:

  • Rules for the Divine Favor trait, a leveled ability that enables the faithful to harness the power of prayer.
  • Rules for general, specific, and learned prayers. The cosmos knows and understands the difference between "Get us out of this mess!" and "Smite my enemies with a rain of fire!" -- whether it intervenes is up to faith, need, and the whims of fate.
  • Pre-calculated prayers, serving both as ready-to-buy accessible miracles for heroes and as a guide for GMs as to what's possible with Divine Favor. Powers range from modest miracles (such as feeding the masses or walking through fire) to impressive invocations (including the power to sense true evil or walk on water) to world-shaking works of faith -- the sun shall blot, the seas shall part, and the dead shall rise!

Whether playing a near-historical novitiate in a religious order, an Old West preacher hoping to keep his congregation safe from the darkness for another day, or a believer in the "old ways" of a fantastic tomorrow, this supplement is like an answered prayer. With GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, faith can move mountains!

18-page PDF. Stock #37-0139, $6.00.
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Shipped January 20, 2011

Space Gamer #55

Space Gamer #55 (cover date September 1982) is thrills, chills, and more than a few kills -- all in a packet of packed pages!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue comes with a complete game: Necromancer, a two-player tactical fantasy game. This issue also includes a two-part article on advanced campaigning ideas (one for science-fiction, one for fantasy); winning entries in the "Magic in Car Wars" contest; advice and insight into playtesting a play-by-mail game; a review plus designer's notes for the minigame Grav Armor; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

55-page PDF. Stock #30-2355, $3.00.
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Shipped January 20, 2011

Murphy's Rules

Ever since the days of the old Space Gamer, and now in Pyramid, one thing strikes fear into the hearts (and laughter into the twisted minds) of publishers everywhere. Some game rules are good, some are bad, and some are Murphy's! This is the cartoon feature that takes those rules and skewers them, bleeding, for everyone to mock. (Us? Attitude? It's all right; we pick on our own stuff, too.) The strip has featured a great roster of artists over the years, including multiple-Origins Award-winner John Kovalic and Pulitzer Prize-winner Ben Sargent!

The first time we published a Murphy's compilation was in 1988. This book includes everything from that edition, and all the Murphys that came out in the next ten years . . . and more!

83-page PDF. Stock #30-9006, $8.00.
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Shipped January 20, 2011

Epic Munchkin (Reprint)

Does your Munchkin adventure end too soon? There you are, multi-raced and multi-classed, with three hands full of killer items, buffed up with sidekicks and Munchkin Fu styles . . . and the game's over. Rejoice, for Epic Munchkin is here. This rules set includes the Epic rules for Munchkin (including Unnatural Axe, Clerical Errors, The Need for Steed, and De-Ranged), Star Munchkin (and The Clown Wars), Munchkin Fu (but not Monky Business, since it didn't add any new Races or Classes), Munchkin Bites! (and Pants Macabre), Super Munchkin (and The Narrow S Cape), Munchkin Impossible, Munchkin Cthulhu, Munchkin Booty (and Jump the Shark), and Munchkin Dice.

6-page PDF. Stock #37-2011, $FREE.

Shipped January 20, 2011

Pyramid #3/27: Monsters in Space

Danger! Danger! Avoid a Void!

From an astrophysical point of view, scientists know what composes 99% of the universe. But what darkness lurks in that remaining one percent? We fancifully propose some possibilities with this month's "Monsters in Space" issue of Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers. This chrome-curling codex contains:

  • "Moondragons and Stranger Things," a look at the dangerous denizens of the Roma Universalis solar system (first introduced in Pyramid #3/20: Infinite Worlds). These 12 creatures have full GURPS stats and are suitable for any setting where unwary heroes can get eaten by giant dragonflies or Martian throat-stabbers.
  • "The Angriest Invasion of Earth," a generic campaign threat that posits a galaxy-spanning threat which has set its eyes on our world. You can trust no one -- but paranoia serves its goals, too.
  • "A Well-Armed Populace," a first-contact framework that proves an ancient adage: Whenever you meet a monster, the monster has most likely met one, too. This article comes with GURPS stats for the new alien race.
  • "In Space, No One Hears Them Crawl," describing three undersized attackers for GURPS who prove that big threats come in small packages.
  • "Creatures of the Void," a collection of ideas for how to import the attackers of GURPS Creatures of the Night, Volume 1 and Volume 2. This feature was written by GURPS Assistant Line Editor Jason "PK" Levine, co-author of the Fourth Edition Creatures of the Night line.

This Pyramid also gives you additional excuses for running down corridors: a quick method of generating "mundane" alien threats, Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, and other odds and ends. The stars await -- and they're hungry!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2627, $9.00.
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Shipped January 13, 2011

Space Gamer #54

Space Gamer #54 (cover date August 1982) is retro-cool, like pausing a cassette to call a friend on a car phone so he'll bring you more quarters for the arcade -- and if that sentence made sense, this installment is for you!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes advice and strategy on winning Star Fleet Battles; rules for magical backlash in TFT; an amusing short story about a conjuration gone wrong; creature stats for the classic RPG Wizard's Realm; information on how to make durable "megahexes," useful for all kinds of hex-based gaming; a report on the state of gaming in Sweden, circa 1982; the second column in a series about the miniatures industry; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

45-page PDF. Stock #30-2354, $3.00.
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Shipped January 13, 2011

GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics

Butcher, Baker, Candlestick-Maker

Society is built on the backs of people who gather resources and turn them into food, shelter, and finished goods. Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics looks at the lot of ordinary TL0-4 folk -- much of which is of concern to adventurers, too! Contents include:

  • Food. How to gather and prepare it, whether you're raising crops or hunting game on the way to your next adventure.
  • Domesticated Animals. Stats for common beasts as sources of both labor and food.
  • Big Machines. Costs, weights, and performance figures for heavy construction and industrial equipment.
  • Manufacturing. Work out how long it takes to make that nifty new sword and how much it costs -- and learn secrets that would make it better!
  • Construction. Detailed rules for erecting buildings of all sorts, from log cabins to Gothic cathedrals.
  • Transportation. Guidelines for hauling and shipping almost anything, with stats for low-tech merchant vessels.
  • Occupations. Details about many common jobs, complete with new Professional Skills and practical advice on thriving as a merchant.

If you're not satisfied with fantasy worlds where nobody gets his hands dirty and everything is for sale at the market, then Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics is for you.

Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics is a supplement to GURPS Low-Tech. The information on manpower, manufacturing, and resources would be useful in any campaign that values historical realism.

52-page PDF. Stock #37-1663, $11.00.
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Shipped January 6, 2011

Space Gamer #53

Space Gamer #53 (cover date July 1982) reaches for a star, catches it, and wraps it up in a bite-sized bundle, with classic articles that are fun to read!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes a super-powered short story called "A Super Named John" (including write-ups for its four characters in Champions, Villains & Vigilantes, and Superhero 2044); "The Newcomers," the finale in the series of Traveller adventures (preceded by "Flare Star" from Space Gamer #46, "Storm" from Space Gamer #48, and "Periastron" from Space Gamer #50); Steve Jackson's tongue-in-cheek look at sci-fi and fantasy equipment we hope gamers never see; "Giving the Humans an Even Break," which provides optional rules to give humanity a fighting chance in The Creature That Ate Sheboygan; more hands-on insight into programming a computer for use as a game aid; and the first installment of a column about the miniatures industry.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

45-page PDF. Stock #30-2353, $3.00.
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Shipped January 6, 2011

GURPS Classic: Special Ops

The Third Edition of this popular military sourcebook is massively updated and lengthened. Roleplay behind-the-lines strikes, hostage rescue, guerrilla warfare, and other special-ops missions. There's lots of detail on weaponry and information on the world's top unconventional-warfare units . . . Rangers, Delta Force, Spetsnaz, SEALs, Special Air Service, Sayeret Matkal, and more.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

163-page PDF. Stock #30-6029, $11.00.
Buy Now!

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Shipped February 28, 2011

Munchkin 7 – Cheat With Both Hands

Stir Things Up!

Admit it. You really like to combine all your Munchkin sets . . . the stupider things get, the better. Playing Star Munchkin Cthulhu Booty Zombies is really weird and really fun . . . but it can also slow things down.

There are a lot of ways we COULD have addressed this problem. But this is Munchkin, so the solution we chose was to create a lot of really overpowered new cards. Why be a Super Munchkin when you can be an Ultra Munchkin? If a Half-Breed isn't enough, you can be a 1/3-Breed. And if a single Cheat! card doesn't do it for you, you can Cheat With Both Hands!

There are also a lot more monster enhancers . . . and ITEM enhancers, too. There are several new low-level monsters to help you get those easy kills. Until somebody takes that Sock Puppet and turns it into the Ultra-Rare Extremely Sneaky Sock Puppet With Extra Cheese . . .

Munchkin till you drop -- just add players!

This is a supplement, not a stand-alone game. It is meant to be combined with two or more Munchkin games, with or without other supplements.

Also, We Think 7 Is a Neat Number

This set replaces both Munchkin Blender and More Good Cards, which was the original Munchkin 7. We didn't want to reprint More Good Cards, because it was only 56 cards and most of those were originally from Munchkin Blender, anyway*. We didn't want to re-use the name Blender, since this new set -- by popular demand -- has the classic Munchkin brown card backs rather than Screaming Purple Cards. And we didn't want to eat our vegetables, because vegetables are yucky.

We hope you are confused now, because we are, too . . . but we thought it would be SLIGHTLY less confusing to release a new Munchkin 7 than to call this expansion Munchkin 8 and have frustrated people writing us for the rest of our lives asking, "Why can't my store get Munchkin 7 in stock?"

* And what about the cards NOT from Munchkin Blender? They're in Munchkin Monster Enhancers, a booster pack available wherever you bought this set.

112 cards and rules, in a tuckbox. Stock #1468, UPC 837654321034. $19.99.

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Rainbow d6

He Who Toys With The Most Dice . . . Wins!

We refuse to write a complex description for dice. These are 6-siders, and there are six in the package. They match the pawns in the +6 Bag o' Munchkins and +6 Bag o' Munchkin Babes, and the dice in Munchkin Quest. They also match pretty rainbows. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Buy them. Kill monsters and take their stuff.

Six 6-sided dice. Stock #5516, UPC 837654320716. $4.99.

Shipped February 14, 2011

Zombie Dice for iPad

Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.

Based on the original Zombie Dice . . . but now the dice, and a zombie opponent, are in your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad! And it's free!

You're a zombie, racing to be the first to eat 13 yummy human brains. But those humans fight back. Press your luck. Keep rolling, keep collecting brains . . . but if you get three shotguns, you're out!

Enjoy the zombie animations and sound effects (Braaaaaaaiiinnnns!). The zombie will talk to you after every roll, just like a human opponent . . . but remember, he wants you to LOSE!

More Zombies!

If you like the game, you can upgrade for only 99 cents (the price is a no-brainer!) and get more zombie goodness:

  • Up to 8 players (10 on the iPad), including as many other "live" players as you want -- pass the game around so everyone can eat brains!
  • More animations and sounds.
  • Smarter zombies! Well, slightly smarter. If you can beat the zombies in the free version, you can choose to play against the upgraded zombie AI.
  • Works with Apple’s Game Center. Earn 16 different disgusting Achievements, and compete with your friends on the Leaderboards for most brains eaten.

App for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Stock #1121, $FREE.

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Shipped February 28, 2011

Munchkin Impossible (Reprint)

Now the Munchkins are spies . . . eliminating the opposition, playing with self-destructing gadgets, and changing loyalties even faster than they change Headgear.

Be a Playboy, Tourist, or Assassin. Report to the Americans, Russians, British, or Chinese (it'll change!). Wield gadgets from the subtle Cigarette Dart Gun to the amazingly unsubtle Bazooka with Incendiary Ammo. Eliminate foes, from the pathetic Defective Defector, through the Interro-Gator and the Not So Secret Police, up to the mighty Super Spy himself. And (all together now) . . . Take Their Stuff!

You can play Munchkin Impossible by itself, or combine it with any number of other Munchkin games for more shameless silliness.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1446, UPC 837654320969. $24.99.

Shipped February 28, 2011

Munchkin Quest (Reprint)

Kill the monster, grab the treasure, stab your buddy. That's what it's all about. Now, Munchkin comes to the boardgame.

You'll build your dungeon, a room at a time, from 24 heavy, double-sided tiles. Each shows a different room . . . some are good for certain characters, some are bad. Populate it with monster standies and let your munchkins run amok!

Cooperate with the whole group, adventure with a partner, or strike out on your own. You don't know what's behind a door until you open it . . . then another room is added to the dungeon. Battle monsters for power and treasure, or send them after your friends. Reach Level 10, and then get out alive if you can . . .

Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, this boardgame doesn't take itself seriously. Except for the loot -- munchkins are always serious about the loot!

11.75" x 11.75" x 3.5" box, with two dozen 3.5" square heavy cardstock room tiles, dozens of link connectors, 200 full-color cards, over three dozen monster standies, dice, rulesheet, and enough tokens, level counters, and sculpted plastic pawns for four players. Stock #1470, UPC 837654320693. $49.95.

Shipped February 3, 2011

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables (Reprint)

In a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign, there's no such thing as "too much treasure" . . . but over 80 trillion possible treasures should last a while!

Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables contains everything you need to deck your halls – and dungeons, towers, and arcane temples – with goodies. Ample tables (almost 50 of them!) let you generate treasures randomly – or semi-randomly, if you have something more specific in mind. Or ditch the dice and use some or all of this stuff as a huge "shopping list" for delvers who already have loot but nothing to spend it on. In the chest you'll find:

  • Dungeoneering Gear: From maps and books that tell you where the treasure is, through mighty weapons and armor for defeating its guardians, to handy tools to help you get at that choice gem . . . it's all here.
  • Enchantments: Quick and easy rules for giving almost any object nearly any magical effect, along with alternatives for self-powered items and some new enchantments.
  • Embellishments: Natural and supernatural improvements to workmanship, materials, and appearance that can turn even a bathtub or a serving tray into treasure.
  • Curses: Seasoned delvers know that items found in dark domains may exact a price. Is that sword you just found haunted? Will that shiny magic armor generate a mystical backlash? Finding out is part of the thrill!
  • Strange Artifacts: Do you dare to utilize the Gears of Time, don the Arms of Ekeshti, or draw from the Cursing Deck? Many shiny finds are beyond the ken of the sagest sage or the wisest wizard.

. . . and much more. A pile of coins is nice, but this supplement lets you achieve the impossible: Ensure that your munchkins players won't want to find boring old silver and gold ever again!

64-page PDF. Stock #37-0313, $12.00.
Buy Now!

W 2 3 

Shipped February 24, 2011

Space Gamer #60

Space Gamer #60 (cover date February 1983) is full of fun from cover to cover.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes "Robot Safari," an adventure for the FutureWorld RPG (which should prove inspirational for other sci-fi games); Steve Jackson's review and alternate rules for the tactical game Berserker; rules for character backgrounds in fantasy roleplaying games; magic items in Car Wars (yes, really!); and Steve Jackson's look back at predictions from 1978 -- as well as his predictions for the "future" of 1985.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

58-page PDF. Stock #30-2360, $3.00.
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Shipped February 24, 2011

Transhuman Space Classic: Personnel Files

2100 A.D.: Heroes Wanted?

The universe of Transhuman Space is vast, and cool, and challenging. Complete your party with these ready-to-go characters fit to adventure there.

There's a detective agency with an unusual boss and even stranger legmen; a pack of high-tech newshounds for whom no story is too dangerous; a crew of orbital debris-recovery specialists; and a security team who can take on almost any threat. Any of them can serve as instant PCs, useful allies, or formidable adversaries.

Personnel Files has heroes and villains at a range of point totals . . . bioroids, humans, and an assortment of Programmed Allies -- the infomorphs and cybershells without which any 2100 adventurer is worse than naked.

Trouble in 2100? These people know where to look for it, and what to do when they find it.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a product based on GURPS Third Edition rules.)

67-page PDF. Stock #30-6710, $4.00.

Shipped February 24, 2011

The AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 2

Know Your Enemy . . . Again!

Technology does not stand still. New models, new configurations of familiar models, and new vehicle accessories continue to revolutionize the field of autoduelling. For this reason, the AADA has chosen to publish The AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 2. This handy guide includes:

With this guide, you can once more keep the pedal to the pavement and your finger on the trigger. Stay safe!

67-page PDF. Stock #30-7128, $5.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped February 17, 2011

Space Gamer #59

Space Gamer #59 (cover date January 1983) is full of fun to discover from cover to cover.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue's centerpiece (literally!) is Steve Jackson's "Battlesuit" -- man-to-man combat in the world of Ogre. This issue also includes rules by Steve Jackson for new illuminated conspiracies in Illuminati; a short story -- "The Return of Igdrip" -- by gaming luminary Allen Varney (a sequel to Space Gamer #27's "Game Design Extraordinary"); three new scenarios for the Grav Armor tactical game; a review of 1982 in miniatures; and more!

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

59-page PDF. Stock #30-2359, $3.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped February 17, 2011

Pyramid #3/28: Thaumatology II

Mind Your Mana!

Can you ever have enough magic in your life? "No!" says Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- and we mean it, as shown by this month's issue, entitled "Thaumatology II." Scrying this secret scroll reveals:

  • "It’s Pure Chemistry!" -- an expansion of the alchemy rules from GURPS Magic. This article includes 10 new elixirs, three new techniques, and a new spell for those who make magical mixtures. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy delvers will love the options for expanding elixir effects.
  • "Yellow Goblin Magic," a new arcane school (using the rules from GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles) that emphasizes secrets, subtlety, and sometimes a well-placed Sunburst. This style (developed for GURPS Banestorm but usable in most fantasy settings) includes nine secret spells and more mysteries outsiders weren't meant to learn!
  • "Ceremonial Magic Made Easy," providing rules and guidelines that allow adventuring or otherwise solitaire GURPS spellcasters to work wonders. These rules are also perfect for fast-paced fantasy, including Dungeon Fantasy.
  • "The Promethians: A Meta-Magical Conspiracy," an occult organization that can be friend or foe for any world with sorcerous secrets worth spilling. While this article provides some GURPS tie-ins, it's generic enough to drop into any game world.
  • "Ten Ways to Destroy the World With Magic," a systemless discussion of some magical mishaps that can threaten to annihilate (or alter) everything. Each idea includes a before, during, and after -- so the heroes can either get clues to avoid the apocalypse or learn the results of failure!

This Pyramid also includes Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, and other odds and ends (including two new really "meta" magical spells). Put the magic spark back in your gaming with this issue!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-2628, $9.00.
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Shipped February 10, 2011

Space Gamer #58

Space Gamer #58 (cover date December 1982) is a 52-page bottle of lightning -- and the articles are fun to read, too!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes a full trunk of Car Wars support, including "Massacre at Midville," a list of news and game info on a four-wheelin' frontier; a short story -- "Street Legal" -- by noted sci-fi author John M. Ford, detailing an autoduel war without weapons; plus game info for street-legal struggles.

This issue also contains "Lair of the Fat Man," a tongue-in-cheek adventure for Top Secret; an in-depth review of the RoleAids line; and more!

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

57-page PDF. Stock #30-2358, $3.00.
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Shipped February 10, 2011

GURPS Tactical Shooting

As Real as a Fistful of Steel!

The smell of black powder and cordite. The momentary blinding of a muzzle flash. The deafening roar of a close-quarter shot. Forget the movies; true shooting is exciting enough for a thousand stories -- if you live long enough to tell the tale.

GURPS Tactical Shooting does for life-like shooting what GURPS Martial Arts brings to real hand-to-hand combat -- gives all the information you need to bring realistic firearm combat to the gaming table:

  • Dozens of new rules, options, and possibilities for realistic shooting. Discover the different stances shooters use to give them an edge. Recognize the plusses and pitfalls of high-speed shooting. Train in the drills for tactics that will keep you alive in ambushes or urban environments. Learn who shoots first in a standoff!
  • Over 20 new perks for realistic shooters. Now you can be Cool Under Fire, Sure-Footed, or the Fastest Gun in the West!
  • Nearly 20 techniques for firearm fans. Hone your Precision Aiming, become proficient in a Dual-Weapon Attack, or learn how to Work by Touch.
  • Six styles of gunfighting. Discover what you need to know to be a rifleman, sharpshooter, or shotgunner!
  • More than 40 new firearms! Information on new handguns, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, grenade launchers, and more.
  • New gear for gun enthusiasts. Expanding and augmenting the equipment from GURPS High-Tech with more than 30 new gun-related items and options, including tripods, slings, sights, and camouflage -- all designed to give the shooter a realistic advantage.
  • New ammo options. Learn how, where, and why you might want to use hollow-point, buckshot, match-grade, or subsonic ammunition.
  • And more! Find out what weapons are issued to some of the world's best militaries. Debunk the myth of "tin star armor." And uncover why "gangsta shooting" is never a good idea!

Whether you're looking to ramp up the realism of your modern-day adventures, build and equip characters who are sharpshooting specialists, or arm the heroes (and villains!) with tactics and tricks to shift the odds, GURPS Tactical Shooting is loaded for bear!

87-page PDF. Stock #37-0134, $14.00.

Shipped February 3, 2011

Space Gamer #57

By its very existence, Space Gamer #57 (cover date November 1982) causes space-time dilations . . . of fun!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes "Westway," info for Car Wars campaigns set in England; Steve Jackson's contribution of new characters for Cosmic Encounter; more handicaps for TFT; "The Worm," a short story about a play-by-mail gambit gone awry; a collection of trivial spells; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2357, $3.00.
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Shipped February 3, 2011

Transhuman Space Classic: Toxic Memes

Believe It Or Not . . .

Although you might not have a choice. In 2100, memetics rules -- the science of analyzing, engineering, and manipulating ideas. Memeticists know how to get into your head, and will do so for power, money, and religion.

Sometimes they'll do it just for the fun of it.

Transhuman Space: Toxic Memes explores cults, conspiracies, urban legends, fads, and more from around the world at the end of the 21st century. In a world where belief, fear, and ideology can be sculpted like clay, how does anyone know what they really think?

Toxic Memes is a sourcebook for the Transhuman Space setting, and includes detailed rules for the creation and propagation of memes, technologies for controlling information and managing reputations, new characters, new templates, campaign ideas, and over a hundred cults, movements, conspiracies, myths, and fringe sub-cultures to use as adventure seeds, background flavor, and to enhance your game's sense that the world of Transhuman Space is a very strange place indeed.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a product based on GURPS Third Edition rules.)

147-page PDF. Stock #30-6712, $11.00.
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Shipped February 3, 2011

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables (Reprint)

In a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign, there's no such thing as "too much treasure" . . . but over 80 trillion possible treasures should last a while!

Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables contains everything you need to deck your halls – and dungeons, towers, and arcane temples – with goodies. Ample tables (almost 50 of them!) let you generate treasures randomly – or semi-randomly, if you have something more specific in mind. Or ditch the dice and use some or all of this stuff as a huge "shopping list" for delvers who already have loot but nothing to spend it on. In the chest you'll find:

  • Dungeoneering Gear: From maps and books that tell you where the treasure is, through mighty weapons and armor for defeating its guardians, to handy tools to help you get at that choice gem . . . it's all here.
  • Enchantments: Quick and easy rules for giving almost any object nearly any magical effect, along with alternatives for self-powered items and some new enchantments.
  • Embellishments: Natural and supernatural improvements to workmanship, materials, and appearance that can turn even a bathtub or a serving tray into treasure.
  • Curses: Seasoned delvers know that items found in dark domains may exact a price. Is that sword you just found haunted? Will that shiny magic armor generate a mystical backlash? Finding out is part of the thrill!
  • Strange Artifacts: Do you dare to utilize the Gears of Time, don the Arms of Ekeshti, or draw from the Cursing Deck? Many shiny finds are beyond the ken of the sagest sage or the wisest wizard.

. . . and much more. A pile of coins is nice, but this supplement lets you achieve the impossible: Ensure that your munchkins players won't want to find boring old silver and gold ever again!

64-page PDF. Stock #37-0313, $12.00.
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M A R C H   2 0 1 1 

Shipped March 28, 2011

Munchkin Monster Enhancers

Are you tired of beating up on wimpy monsters? Of course not: you're a munchkin!

Are you tired of watching your opponents beat up on wimpy monsters? Of course you are: you're a munchkin!

Munchkin Monster Enhancers gives you 15 cards to make the monsters tougher and send the other players crying for their mommies. With 13 favorites from More Good Cards, now in full color, plus two brand new cards, Hollywood and Ultimate, this set is a monster's dream and a player's nightmare. Until it comes time to loot the bodies of those enhanced monsters . . . extra treasure is good!

And, unlike certain other performance enhancers, this set is fully legal in international competition!

This standalone pack is out of print, but you can get the cards from this expansion in Munchkin Game Changers.

Finseal pack containing 15 cards. Stock #4212, UPC 837654320952. $4.99.

Shipped March 14, 2011

Munchkin Zombies

Kill the Living! Eat their Brains! Braaiiinns!

It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! You are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The “monsters” you're attacking are people, some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever you've blundered across during your lurching search for brains. So bravely you'll go forth, with mousetraps on your feet and a bowling trophy protecting your poor rotting head . . . to level up, or to die.


168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet, in a 6" x 9" box. Stock #1481, UPC 837654321010. $24.99.

Shipped March 10, 2011

Android Munchkin Level Counter

Now all you Android-using munchkins can get an unfair, yet completely legal, advantage when you play Munchkin or Munchkin Quest!

The Level Counter keeps track of your level (duh). It also rolls a six-sided die (and doesn't cheat). But best of all . . . once per game, you get a Boon . . . an in-game advantage to help you kill the monsters, steal the treasure, and stab your buddy. There are almost 150 different Boons, all illustrated by John Kovalic. The higher your level when you ask for your Boon, the better it's likely to be. And when you reach the winning level, it plays a fanfare. Your friends will hate you . . .

There's also a Kill-O-Meter screen, so you can keep track of combats!

Bonus features: counters for Chez Geek and SPANC (no Boons, though), and a very flexible interface for creating your own custom counters for other games.

This app is NOT a stand-alone game! It is a game aid for Munchkin, Munchkin Quest, and pretty much any other game where you need a counter.

The Munchkin Level Counter is $4.99 and is available from the Android Market.

App for Android. Stock #5526, $4.99.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped March 14, 2011

GURPS Mass Combat (Reprint)

There Will Be War!

Whether you’re trying to stop the Dark Lord’s invading army, lead a Ranger company against the Axis in WWII, or command your own crack mercenary regiment in a far-flung star empire, you’re likely to get into battles that are far too big to resolve with ordinary GURPS combat. GURPS Mass Combat is the answer! It presents a powerful abstract system that lets you resolve land, sea, and air battles at any tech level. Features include:

  • Rules for logistics, movement, reconnaissance, and many other things that matter to a military force even when no enemy is in sight.
  • Integral treatment of air superiority, amphibious assaults, airborne troops, sieges, and everything else that’s important when the enemy is in sight.
  • Round-by-round resolution that puts the commander in control, letting him choose his strategies and instantly see the results of his skill and cunning.
  • Equal attention to the aftermath of battle: pursuit, casualties, looting, recovering losses, and more.

Everything is fast and easy to use in play thanks to extensive examples, quick-reference tables, and ready-to-go stats for the strength, weaponry, and mobility of numerous unit types. It’s all generic, too, covering realistic, fantastic, and superscience troops at every tech level, and providing guidelines for customizing their quality, special training, and equipment. And it never loses sight of the fact that GURPS is a roleplaying game -- every hero gets a chance to shine, and the rules emphasize what the PCs do and what happens to them.

GURPS Mass Combat requires only the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition.

50-page B&W softcover. Stock #01-6197, ISBN 978-1-55634-800-6. $14.99.

W 2 3 

Shipped March 31, 2011

Cthulhu Shot Glass

Cthulhu Dice is not a drinking game . . . but now you can drink in style with the Cthulhu Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz shot glasses feature a spectacular green effect that shimmers as Cthulhu stares at you from the side of the glass. Buy one for yourself and make your friends green with envy, or buy a set for your next party so that everyone can go insane together.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9014, $2.99.

Shipped March 31, 2011

Space Gamer #65

Space Gamer #65 (cover date September-October 1983) is a collection of nostalgic nuggets in a bulging bundle. It's all that and a bag of microchips!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes superheroes in The Fantasy Trip; fleet tactics for Star Fleet Battles; designer's notes for FTL: 2448 and Fringeworthy; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2365, $3.00.
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Shipped March 31, 2011

In Nomine: The Marches

To Sleep . . . Perchance to Dream

Just be careful what kind of dream you have! The Marches is a vast dreamscape, ruled and fought over by Blandine and Beleth. Every mortal soul visits the Marches every night in slumber, and the dreams they weave are the battleground upon which these former lovers send their forces to do battle . . .

Book Two of The Revelations Cycle for the In Nomine roleplaying game, The Marches gives players and Game Masters alike an in-depth look at the realm of dreams, myths, and monsters. It also portrays four Superiors in more detail: the Archangels Blandine and Gabriel, the Demon Prince Belial, and the Demon Princess Beleth. In addition, it introduces two new Choirs; rules for the mortal Sorcerers who attempt to master the supernatural; and "Blood and Circuses," a complete adventure setting.

You will need the In Nomine basic rulebook to play. Book One of The Revelations Cycle, Night Music, is useful but not necessary.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3305, $9.00.
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Shipped March 24, 2011

Space Gamer #64

Space Gamer #64 (cover date July-August 1983) is another Jurassic classic from a "lost world" of fun.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue's fearsome feature is "Big Lizzie," a western adventure for Boot Hill and Wild West that pits dangerous desperadoes against real cold-blooded killers. It includes a set of Western-themed Cardboard Heroes, to print, color, and use.*

This issue also provides a featured review of Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game from FASA, plus designers' notes from the game's creators; "Goliath," a variant model for Ogre; an interview with Andy Chernak of Grenadier Models Inc.; and more!

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

* A GURPS Fourth Edition conversion of Big Lizzie and a full-color set of Cardboard Heroes: Cowboys and Indians (with colored versions of the original figures plus many other Western characters) are available separately.

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2364, $3.00.
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Shipped March 24, 2011

Pyramid #3/29: Psionics

Get Mental!

We've put on our thinking caps and mined our minds for this month's Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers . . . and the results are crammed with cranial articles on "Psionics." This issue's great thoughts include:

  • "Expanded Psychokinesis," a collection of six new abilities that expand on those in GURPS Psionic Powers. Manipulate sound, survive deadly falls, and more! This article also includes new techniques and perks as support.
  • "Random Psionic Tables," which transmutes a few dice rolls into ready-to-go psi abilities! It builds on the 108 psionic packages from GURPS Psis and adds five more.
  • "Magic as Psi," the first installment of a new column (called Eidetic Memory) by David L. Pulver, co-author of GURPS Fourth Edition. This month, David looks at modifying the GURPS Magic system to represent psionic abilities. Behold the magic of the mind!
  • "The Edge of Psience," presenting GURPS "familiars" and psi artifacts from the mind of Kenneth Peters, co-author of GURPS Ultra-Tech.
  • "Thoughtjustice," a systemless look at how the justice system might evolve and adapt to deal with errant psis.
  • "Tokyo Psience Police," a campaign framework that starts with an extraterrestrial first contact and spins into something hyperkinetic. This generic setting is written by David L. Pulver!
  • "Averting Psychic Disasters!" -- an optional rule to help mitigate the worst psi-related critical failures. This "food for thought" is written by Jason "PK" Levine, author of GURPS Psionic Powers and GURPS Psis.

This Pyramid also includes Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, and other odds and ends. With this issue, you're sure to have a satisfied psi!

37-page PDF. Stock #37-2629, $9.00.
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Shipped March 17, 2011

Space Gamer #63

Space Gamer #63 (cover date May-June 1983) is a full gallop of fun, with nary a tale of "whoa!" in sight!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue's centerpiece is "The Haunting of Harkwood," a generic adventure that starts with a joust and turns into a mystery. It includes a set of Cardboard Heroes (including jousting knights!), ready to print and use.

This issue also offers alternate damage rules for Top Secret, an interview with Kevin Blume of TSR, an overview of solitaire sci-fi gaming, and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2363, $3.00.
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Shipped March 17, 2011

In Nomine: Night Music

Hail! Hail! Rock and Roll!

It's a powerful Word, and Furfur wants to be its Demon Prince. But to get that coveted title, Furfur is going to have to pull a fast one on all of Hell's elite – including Lucifer himself! And to do that, he'll need all the help he can get . . .

Night Music is Book One of The Revelations Cycle for the In Nomine roleplaying game. In addition to the adventure, "The Demon Prince of Rock and Roll," Night Music has in-depth looks at the Archangel Laurence and Demon Prince Saminga; two new Superiors; expanded rules for Soldiers, Saints, and the Undead, and a complete setting: In Nomine Austin, with dozens of NPCs, locations, and ideas for divine (or infernal) adventures.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3303, $9.00.
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Shipped March 10, 2011

Space Gamer #62

Space Gamer #62 (cover date April 1983) is no fool when it comes to delivering old-school fun.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue's feature is "Globbo," a two-player game that pits kids versus a zealous inhuman caretaker!

This issue also includes basic Ogre strategy from the game's creator, Steve Jackson; chainsaw combat in Traveller; novas in Cosmic Encounter; a magical short story entitled "Master's Thesis"; some April Fool's fun; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2362, $3.00.
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Shipped March 10, 2011

The AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 3

Ready to Attack!

Here they are . . . the AADA's choice for the meanest vehicle designs of the year. From Division 5 to Division 100+, they're all fully armed, completely described, and ready to go.

The AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 3 brings you 78 designs, all compatible with the Car Wars Compendium rules and legal for AADA World Championship competition. From cycles to campers, from the tough little Fire Imp to the monstrous Polaris, every one is a highway warrior's dream.

And every one of these vehicles is represented by four counters, included with this supplement . . . a full-color vehicle, a full-color wreck, and black-and-white versions of both the new and wrecked car, to let you fly your own colors in the arena.

So fasten your seat belt, check out all vehicle systems, and hit the road for more Car Wars action. And never forget . . . no matter where you go . . . drive offensively!

37-page PDF. Stock #30-7148, $5.00.
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Shipped March 10, 2011

Transhuman Space: Cities on the Edge

Go to Town!

The future has an old joke: "No one lives in the cities anymore; they're too crowded!"

Tomorrow's towns in Transhuman Space have certainly evolved from eras past, and there's no doubt that they're still vibrant, exciting places. Cities on the Edge is your guide to the dangers and delights to be discovered downtown.

Written by noted transhumanist and futurist Anders Sandberg, with science journalist Waldemar Ingdahl, this gigantic guidebook includes:

  • A tour of cities in 2100, from an overview of what they are and have become, to a look at what makes the towns of tomorrow tick. Unearth the allies and enemies of urban areas. Learn how police, health, disaster management, transport, and trade in the cities of Transhuman Space work. Discover how they're run, and what happens when it all goes wrong . . .
  • A look at the bleeding edge of advanced architecture. Ultra-modern metropolises include mile-high skyscrapers, giant arcologies, biological buildings, high-density communications, and more!
  • Insight into urban culture: gray-collar crime, animated graffiti, urban AIs, self-configuring hotels, and other elements that make downtown dynamic.
  • A huge worked example: Stockholm in 2100! Visit the capital of Sweden, where eco-engineers discuss the restoration of the Baltic in trendy bistros run by Russian refugees; surrendering your privacy is so last year; and flaunting your naked brain in public is the height of fashion.
  • A sample scenario: "In the Walls," a murder mystery that centers on Stockholm. Whodunit, and how?

The future is a foreign country, and there's perhaps no better place to witness the wonders of the world than by visiting the grandest of the global villages. With Cities on the Edge, you're at the center of excitement!

93-page PDF. Stock #37-6711, $14.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

Space Gamer #61

Space Gamer #61 (cover date March 1983) is a countdown of fun, starting at 10 and ending at one -- and the articles are a blast, too.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue's centerpiece is madness -- "Microfilm Madness"! This adventure for Champions is a madcap race for secret computer codes; it comes with a set of Cardboard Heroes, ready to print and use.

This issue also includes campaign tips from Aaron Allston; a look at economics in The Fantasy Trip; a report on the "war" against the factions that would ban Dungeons & Dragons and other roleplaying games; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2361, $3.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

In Nomine: Corporeal Player's Guide

What a Piece of Work Is a Man!

How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty,
In form and moving, how express and admirable,
In action, how like an angel,
In apprehension, how like a god . . .
And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Most celestials wrestle with this when it comes to the importance of humanity. This book contains the answers.

From cover to cover, the Corporeal Player's Guide focuses on the importance of humans in the War, whether they be mundanes, Soldiers or sorcerers, undead or Saints. Their skills, spells, abilities, and disadvantages are explored in detail. Find out what Archangels think of their human servants, and which Demon Prince is the best boss.

Also included are complete, updated rules on sorcery, information about all types of humans - mortal and immortal - and ideas for human-centered campaigns. And tell the angels and demons to look out . . .

This quintessence of dust is coming to kick their butts!

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3315, $9.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

In Nomine Superiors 1: War & Honor

Meet Your Boss . . .

And ready yourself for battle.

Seraphim and Malakim, aggressive and authoritarian . . . War, Stone, Judgment, and the Sword. The four Archangels of the "War Faction" are covered in depth in this book. Within these pages is all the material a Game Master needs to understand their goals and psychology, as well as everything a player needs to feel what it's like to be one of their Servitors -- not just powers and dissonance, but also the experience of working for these Superiors, what the subculture of the Word expects from its members, and how to deal with your Archangel's organization.

Superiors 1: War and Honor includes:

  • New attunements, Distinctions, and Rites for each Archangel.
  • History, secrets, myths, and legends told by each Superior's own angels; rumors, slander, and libel told about them by others.
  • The jobs performed by their Servitors -- what does an angel of Stone do all day?
  • Gangs, Orders, triads, and other groups an angel can belong to in service to his Lord.
  • Capsule summaries of the Archangels' relations with Superiors in both Heaven and Hell, with detailed briefs for the most important or controversial interactions.
  • Variant versions of each Superior for alternative campaigns.
  • Earthly organizations, humans in service, ethereal contacts and connections, and many other "hooks" for campaigns of any scope and power level.
  • Adventure seeds . . . celestial battles for War and Honor.

147-page PDF. Stock #30-3320, $9.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

GURPS Classic: Age of Napoleon

Meet the Little General

From his beginnings as a Corsican soldier, through his rise to power as the Emperor of France, to his final defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte built an empire . . . and a legend. Napoleon was that rarest of men -- one whose life defined the age in which he lived. Now that age comes alive for your roleplaying game.

GURPS Age of Napoleon is a comprehensive guide to the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. It contains:

  • A history of the years leading up to Napoleon's rule, including events in Europe, Asia, and the American colonies.
  • Biographies for dozens of leading men -- and women! -- of the age, many with GURPS character writeups.
  • Chapters about life under Napoleon, both for the bourgeoisie and for the nobility, and about the culture of the age -- music, art, and literature.
  • Suggestions for campaigns in the Age of Napoleon. Play officers in the French fleet, Wellington's foot soldiers, American blockade-runners, or secret agents for any of the empires.
  • Plus detailed maps of Europe, France, and Paris, during and after the French Revolution!

It was an age when heroes were made, an age when history was a blank book waiting to be written. It was the Age of Napoleon.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6539, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped March 3, 2011

GURPS Classic: Covert Ops

Adventure In The Shadows . . .

Assassins, saboteurs, and terrorists have been with us all through history. Sometimes their deeds have changed the course of empires. If you want to change history -- or stop those who would -- then GURPS Covert Ops is the book you're looking for.

GURPS Covert Ops features:

  • A comprehensive catalog of the tools of the trade, from guns and bombs to disguises and forged documents.
  • A guide to the defenses and countermeasures that operatives will have to defeat to accomplish their mission.
  • Covert operations for historical, science-fiction, and fantasy settings.
  • Templates for agents in any setting, from the street-corner thug to the secretive poisoner, from the mercenary to the religious fanatic.
  • Profiles of organizations that can be used as sponsors . . . or adversaries.

GURPS Covert Ops can be used in any roleplaying game that involves assassins, saboteurs, or terrorists, either as the heroes - or the enemy. Come play in the shadows . . .

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6549, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped March 3, 2011

GURPS Traveller Classic: Ground Forces

Countless Worlds.
A Few Good Troops.

Holding together an Imperium requires the services of an iron elite, Marines willing to jump from a starship and into the teeth of a planetary defense net, Army troopers willing to travel the universe one slit trench at a time, armor commanders willing to bet their lives that they can get there first with the most.

Do you have what it takes?

GURPS Traveller: Ground Forces describes the Imperial Marines and Unified Armies, laying the foundation for a campaign thick with laser fire and full of action! It includes:

  • A history of ground combat and campaigns in the Imperium.
  • Detailed descriptions of Marine and Army units, from squads to battalions and up -- as well as rules for easily determining the makeup of a world or subsector army.
  • New, expanded templates for Marine and Army characters.
  • New gear for Imperial soldiers.
  • New, modular rules for designing military and civilian grav vehicles in GURPS Traveller.
  • And much more!

GURPS Traveller: Ground Forces has everything you need to add untold punch to your campaign!

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

147-page PDF. Stock #30-6614, $9.99.

Shipped March 3, 2011

The AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 2 Counters

Show Your Colors

Create your own autoduelling teams, corporate fleets, or vigilante groups. With these ready-to-color counters, you can even put your personal colors on your favorite vehicles!

And there are plenty of vehicles to choose from -- counters for nearly every vehicle in The AADA Vehicle Guide 2 -- 136 in all! Everything from subcompacts to buses, with motorcycles, trucks, trailers, and helicopters. And this set also includes grasshopper counters, for combat on and off the roads!

Should you come out second-best in a duel, each counter has a wrecked version of the same vehicle on the back. Just flip it over and plot your revenge . . .

You get 136 black-and-white counters, printed on both sides; an insert sheet with coloring advice; and a complete key, listing each vehicle's name and where you can find it in the Vehicle Guide 2.

10-page PDF. Stock #30-7133, $3.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

Car Wars City Blocks 3

Race in Style . . .

Car Wars City Blocks 3 – Arena! No more plain vanilla raceways; you can customize your own arena. This set lets you build up to a 48" x 40" or 64" x 32" arena. Add ramps, overpasses, and underpasses to challenge the daring. Increase media coverage and prestige with TV bunkers. And, for those unlucky duellists, scatter a few pedestrian bunkers and bolt holes. Capture the true adventure of autoduelling at its best, with Car Wars City Blocks.

36-page PDF. Stock #30-7139, $5.00.
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Shipped March 3, 2011

GURPS WWII Classic: Grim Legions

Join the brave, proud, and doomed men carrying Mussolini's "8 million bayonets" into battle in GURPS WWII: Grim Legions, a sourcebook on the Italian armed forces.

This 48-page book includes a summary of the war as seen, and endured, through Italian eyes; descriptions of Italian military organization and tactics with a roster of Italian land, naval, and air units during the war; distinctly Italian character concepts, including the elite and cutting-edge underwater commandos; Italian small arms and fighting vehicles from the reliable Beretta to their hopelessly outdated armor; campaign seeds and suggestions, and much more!

Written by Italian WWII enthusiast Michele Armellini, this small book provides a wealth of detail about Italy's supremely competent, but little respected military rarely found in English-language references. Rally under the banner of Il Duce and explore the quixotic Italian war today!

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

51-page PDF. Stock #30-8010, $4.00.
Buy Now!

A P R I L   2 0 1 1 

Shipped April 25, 2011

The Awful Green Things From Outer Space

Monsters Everywhere!

The crew of the exploration ship Znutar just wanted to cruise around the Galaxy, discovering strange new worlds and playing pool. But then their ship was invaded by the Awful Green Things . . . and suddenly they were fighting for their lives!

In this wacky two-player game, one player controls the Awful Green Things. They grow and multiply every turn – especially if they can gobble up a crew member! The other player commands the crew, frantically trying weapon after weapon (pool sticks, fire extinguishers, cans of Zgwortz) to find something that kills the monsters.

This classic game by Tom Wham first appeared in Dragon Magazine in 1980, and has been a fan favorite ever since! This edition includes Tom's "Outside the Znutar" rules and counters, for going out the airlocks and fighting on the surface of the ship, and upgraded components: a mounted gameboard, heavy die-cut counters, and a full-color rulebook!

Boxed, with mounted gameboard, rulebook, die-cut counters, and five GREEN dice! Stock #1335, UPC 837654321003. $24.99.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped April 25, 2011

The Stars Are Right (Reprint)

When the stars are right, the Great Old Ones will return. If the stars aren't right, it's up to you to move them around!

In The Stars Are Right, you take the role of a cultist, summoning Lovecraftian horrors from beyond time and space.

You'll start small, bringing ghasts and ghouls back to our reality. Invoke minor creatures to flip over a tile or push a row, creating the correct patterns to summon more and more powerful ones. Eventually, you'll build a horde of Servitors who can chain flips, pushes, and swaps together, rearranging the entire grid to your whims. Change the skies, summon a Great Old One, and win!

The Stars Are Right is a card game for two to four players, ages 12 and up, with a playing time of less than one hour. The cards are hilariously illustrated by Goomi (Munchkin Cthulhu 3 -- The Unspeakable Vault).

Summon the Great Old Ones, who will shower you with power beyond your dreams. Or perhaps they'll eat you. Or both.

This is the licensed English-language edition of Die Sterne Stehen Richtig, published by Pegasus Spiele.

80 cards, 25 double-sided tiles, and rulesheet, in a box. Stock #1432, UPC 837654320174. $27.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped April 28, 2011

GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission

Don't Stand in the Dark; Do Something Awesome!

What defines a hunter of hidden horrors? Is it the powers? The skills? The lore? Or is a true hero defined by what he does with those gifts?

Monster Hunters 2: The Mission picks up where Monster Hunters 1: Champions left off, presenting the rules and tips would-be hunters depend on to survive. This supplement includes:

  • An explanation of the usual situations champions encounter when facing their foes, complete with GURPS rules and guidelines. Learn how to hunt the horrors, investigate the inscrutable, pursue the perverse, and heal the heroes!
  • An in-depth look at cinematic creature-killing combat. Keep the bullets flying and the action furious with rules for simplifying gunplay, conquering curses, gathering gadgets, and more.
  • A new investigative system based on clues and deductions. Now the players or their characters have a chance to piece the puzzle together!
  • An extensive guide to what makes a Monster Hunters campaign work, and how to turn it up to 11. Create memorable monsters, evil organizations, and twisted plots to keep the hunters hopping!
  • Six sample campaign sketches to spark the imagination. Are the heroes enterprising exterminators, made men, or something stranger?

The question of who rules the night is still unresolved. But the rules themselves are here, in Monster Hunters 2: The Mission.

39-page PDF. Stock #37-0318, $9.00.
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Shipped April 25, 2011

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (GITD)

Bigger Is Better . . . and Brighter!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are Warehouse 23 exclusives, and they glow in the dark! The set includes two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Note: Six other sets, in six different colors, will be released in the summer of 2011. These will NOT be W23 exclusives, but WILL come with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice. Stock #5523G, ISBN no UPC. $6.00.

Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #1

Is it a fantasy, or is it reality? The answer is "yes," with Fantasy Gamer #1 (cover date August-September 1983)! This premiere issue starts the title on the right foot (or centaur hoof, or werewolf claw, or . . .).

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a complete game: "Slasher Flick," by Donald Saxman (designer of Superhero: 2044)! This meaty two-player game pits victims against the Bogeyman in a fight to the death! It's all good tongue-in-cheek fun, but you still might want to play with the lights on.

This issue also includes alternate uses for experience points in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (permitting new abilities for willing heroes); an overview of Origins '83, held in Detroit; a collection of "useless" tables; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2381, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #2

You meet an old man in a bar. He leans over conspiratorially and hands you Fantasy Gamer #2 (cover date October-November 1983). To what extent do you hide your delight at this unexpected treasure?

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a 16-page gamer's guide to Victorian London. This generic supplement includes information on history, fashions, prices, the law, noteworthy personalities, and more. Be sure to take the included two-page map so you don't get lost!

This issue also includes a look at what to do with high-powered heroes, variant damage spells for DragonQuest, and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2382, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #3

Are you terrified by Fantasy Gamer #3 (cover date December-January 1984)? You should be; it's scary how fun this issue is!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features "The Thing in the Darkness," a 19-page solo adventure designed for Call of Cthulhu (with guidelines for converting to other games). Can you solve the mystery of the missing girl -- with your body and soul intact?

This issue also includes a meaty short story -- "Mirrors of the Soul" -- about a private eye facing the forces of darkness; guidelines on how to turn two-player games into solo experiences; the strangler class for Dungeons & Dragons; an in-depth review by Steve Jackson of the Lost Worlds one-on-one fighting books; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

57-page PDF. Stock #30-2383, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #4

No, your crystal ball isn't on the fritz; Fantasy Gamer #4 (cover date February-March 1984) really is as cool as you've foreseen!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features "The Solimar Quest," a fantasy adventure where the high-powered heroes vie for godhood. This adventure provides guidelines for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and The Fantasy Trip, but it's fiendish enough to convert to most other magical settings.

You also get a short story -- "Vampire Trap" -- written by noted sci-fi author Timothy Zahn, where a djinn sword and a vampire vie for superiority; TFT gaming notes for "Vampire Trap" by Steve Jackson; solo rules for Undead; designer notes for "The Thing in the Darkness" from Fantasy Gamer #3; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2384, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #5

Quit dragon your heels; there's a great issue of Fantasy Gamer #5 (cover date April-May 1984) now available in the wings!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features Steve Jackson's "Demonwand," a boardgame for two to four players. It's war between wizards on an ever-changing magical landscape! This issue also includes fantasy-gaming rules for the Windigo (including stats for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons); insight into parent/child gaming; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

53-page PDF. Stock #30-2385, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Fantasy Gamer #6

Despite being beloved by all in the land, Fantasy Gamer #6 (cover date June-July 1984) reveals the mighty magazine facing one foe it cannot thwart: cancellation! However, its departure is your gain, as the final installment goes out with a bang!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features "Lost Inheritance," an adventure for four to six RuneQuest characters. Can the heroes escape from the bizarre alien realm in which they find themselves trapped?

This issue also includes in-depth features on three RPGs from Avalon Hill -- Powers & Perils, RuneQuest 3, and Lords of Creation; comparison reviews of Chivalry & Sorcery and Bushido; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Fantasy Gamer is the perfect portal to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2386, $3.00.
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Shipped April 21, 2011

Pyramid #3/30: Spaceships

Your Ticket to the Stars!

Let's face it: If you had any plans for leaving our world, you'd need a spaceship. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is devoted to the craft, captains, and complications of interplanetary travel. This issue's itinerary will take you to the following destinations:

  • "Practical Astromancy," a look at off-world exploits in GURPS Technomancer. Written by Kenneth Peters (author of Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System), this guide includes details of that setting's solar system -- including the moon's Kennedy Base -- plus descriptions of how its magic-fueled spaceships work. It provides full GURPS Spaceships stats for the Trailblazer-class survey ship and the Yetzirah-class space station.
  • "One With the Ship," presenting cyber-powered possibilities for spaceship pilots. This article includes a full 150-point GURPS template for the interface pilot, plus customization notes, new cybernetics that augment the implant options from GURPS Ultra-Tech, optional advantages and rules for interfacing with a vessel, a sample pilot, and more!
  • "Mass Combat in Space," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. With these optional rules, you can combine GURPS Spaceships with the large-scale-combat system from GURPS Mass Combat and conquer the galaxy!
  • "Sky Galleys," a look at the impossible interplanetary craft that populate the Roma Universalis setting (first seen in Pyramid #3/20: Infinite Worlds). Use the optional new Spaceships components to build their astral armadas, board one of the two constructed vessels, and use one of the three GURPS templates to gather your crew. For the glory of Rome, the void awaits!
  • "Hunter-Gatherer," an off-world experience set aboard a derelict starship. Written by Stephen Dedman (co-author of GURPS Space Atlas 4), this adventure includes full GURPS stats for the enigmatic titular vehicle and nine alien lifeforms who will make life difficult for the explorers.

This Pyramid also presents Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, and other odds and ends. Fly into tomorrow in style with this issue!

36-page PDF. Stock #37-2630, $9.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #67

Space isn't the final frontier; with Space Gamer #67 (cover date January-February 1984), it's just the beginning!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a complete adventure: "Interdiction Station," about a possible first contact that could go very wrong. Designed for Traveller, this scenario is generic enough for just about any sci-fi setting or system.

This issue also includes designer's notes, developer's notes, and additional rules for Orbit War (one of the games included with Space Gamer #66); comparative reviews of three classic spy games (James Bond 007, Espionage!, and Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes); and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2367, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #68

Two-four-six-eight: read Space Gamer #68! The cover may be dated March-April 1984, but its treasures are timeless.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a complete adventure: "Island of Entellope," a post-apocalyptic tale where the heroes try to track down the source of a mysterious signal. Designed for Aftermath!, this scenario is generic enough for just about any system that can handle a world rebuilding from the wreckage.

The zine also includes "Icepick," an amphibious scenario for Ogre (including a guide to making your own expansion maps for that game); variant rules to introduce hackers, plumbers, and moles in Illuminati; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

59-page PDF. Stock #30-2368, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #69

That rumbling you hear isn't the arrival of a mayhem-making motorcycle gang; it's Space Gamer #69 (cover date May-June 1984), delivering more gaming goodness from a bygone era -- and the articles are fun to read, too!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a complete adventure: "Junkyard Hogs"! Designed with Car Wars in mind (for two players without a referee), this scenario is suitable for any system that can handle rival gangs plus their cycles and gear.

This issue also includes a look back at 1983's RPGs (it was a good year!); a formula for determining unit costs in Ogre; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

49-page PDF. Stock #30-2369, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #70

Don't don your capes and costumes, curious crimefighters! There's no uncommon crime in enjoying Space Gamer #70 (cover date July-August 1984) and its treasures of yesteryear; it's just common sense!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a complete adventure: "One from the H.A.R.T." This generic superhero supplement (with stats for Champions) starts with a warehouse of weapons and hopefully doesn't end with a bang . . .

This issue also includes an in-depth discussion of computer text adventures (including a version of the age-old debate: "Are they art?"); more options for creating civilian characters in Traveller; an in-depth review of the Marvel Super Heroes RPG; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

57-page PDF. Stock #30-2370, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #71

Pack your bags and prepare to be transported across time and space, as Space Gamer #71 (cover date November-December 1984) takes you on a fun-filled trip to the gaming world's early years.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features an in-depth look at the world of Tekumel and the Empire of the Petal Throne game, including an introduction, an interview with creator Professor M.A.R. Barker, and reviews; analysis and strategy for the Ogre supplement Shockwave; a look at mines in Star Fleet Battles; insight for converting TFT characters to Tunnels & Trolls; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

69-page PDF. Stock #30-2371, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #72

The computer is your friend! How do we know? Because it wants nothing more than to deliver you this electronic version of Space Gamer #72 (cover date January-February 1985) . . . and you'd hate to disappoint the computer, right?

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue takes a lengthy look at Illuminati, with variants, insights, and optional rules; an interview with Greg Costikyan, the designer of Toon and Paranoia (among many others); featured reviews of those two games; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

53-page PDF. Stock #30-2372, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #73

Are you looking for something old and something new? With Space Gamer #73 (cover date March-April 1985), you'll have joy, you'll have fun, you'll have spaceships filled with guns . . . well, maybe not the last one.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue focusses on urban gaming, with advice on the perils and perks of life on the town, plus a review of the city-based Thieves Guild RPG and Haven generic supplement; alternate character options for Space Opera; strategy for "Globbo" (presented in Space Gamer #62); pre-enlistment skills for Traveller; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

53-page PDF. Stock #30-2373, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #74

It rumbles across the world, like a giant unstoppable tank. Its mission? To entertain and inform. Watch out; Space Gamer #74 (cover date May-June 1985) has arrived!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features an in-depth look at Ogre, including a scenario for Shockwave, new units and rules for Ogre, a discussion by Steve Jackson of units' limits, and a variant of Ogre played on the Necromancer map.

This issue also includes a Toon adventure, "Now Museum, Now You Don't"; a look at Dracula in various game systems; a simple critical-hit system designed for any RPG; a rule variant for undead in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons; and more!

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

53-page PDF. Stock #30-2374, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #75

Have you ever envisioned a magical portal that you'd be able to look through and enjoy the entertainments and delights of yesteryear? Well, imagine no more! Simply pick up a copy of Space Gamer #75 (cover date July-August 1985) and get a fun-filled glimpse at the gaming world's earlier days.

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue includes designer's notes for Twilight: 2000; instant starships for Champions and other Hero Games; "The Hellgate Society," an evil agency for modern-era RPGs; a featured review and variants for FASA's Battledroids game; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

53-page PDF. Stock #30-2375, $3.00.
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Shipped April 14, 2011

Space Gamer #76

All good things must come to an end, as witnessed by Space Gamer #76 (cover date September-October 1985), the last issue of Space Gamer published by Steve Jackson Games. Say goodbye to this past masterpiece of publication with an amazing adieu!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features a look at game mastering, with tips for running horror, Paranoia, and The Morrow Project campaigns.

This issue also includes a slew of informative and interesting design notes: Steve Jackson's insights into the development of Man to Man (the GURPS combat system); Greg Gorden's look at DC Heroes; and N. Robin Crossby's peek behind the curtain at Hârn. Plus, it has a look at near-future weapons and innovations, variant rule options for Paranoia, and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

55-page PDF. Stock #30-2376, $3.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped April 14, 2011

GURPS Traveller Classic: Modular Cutter

The Ship of a Thousand Uses

With its legendary utility and flexibility, the 50-ton modular cutter has spread across the Imperium. Its interchangeable payloads can turn cargo hauler into battle craft or research vessel in the time it takes to unlock one module and load the next.

For the first time ever, GURPS Traveller: Modular Cutter details the operation of and options for this ubiquitous vessel. Discover:

  • The inner workings of modular shipping . . . including the unpleasant consequences of haphazard module-handling.
  • A wide variety of alternate module-carrying ships, from the small Hiver version of the cutter to huge container starships.
  • Scores of alternate modules to make the modular cutter fit any mission profile.
  • Information on designing custom modular vessels using the starship-construction rules in GURPS Traveller.

In a universe of mystery, it's impossible to know what tools you'll need to face tomorrow's challenges. Prepare yourself for all contingencies with GURPS Traveller: Modular Cutter!

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6616, $7.99.

Shipped April 11, 2011

Munchkin Zombies Sherpa Case

The first Munchkin Sherpa was the rarest Munchkin item we have ever done -- we made 100, and gave most of them to our staff and our munchkinly friends. Lots of people let us know we should do another one, and that we should please make more than 100. So . . . shambling toward you now is the Munchkin Zombies Sherpa™!

This solid metal case turns a regular disposable pen or marker into a designer writing tool. The Munchkin Zombies Sherpa will last for YEARS. Unless you put it down and take your eyes off it. In that case, it will probably be gone in 60 seconds. It's that cool.

Rule: Once per game of Munchkin Zombies, the owner of the Munchkin Zombies Sherpa may declare that any monster is a Zombie (and therefore triggers the special Undead rule in Munchkin Zombies). He may do this in any player's combat, not just his own.

The Munchkin Zombies Sherpa is available in VERY limited quantities: We ran 250, but some of those were reserved for staff, prizes, and so on. Because it's a bigger print run than the original Munchkin Sherpa, it costs only $40. It includes a green marker. Get one now before they're gone!

Sherpa is a trademark of the Paradise Pen Company.

Metal marker case (green Sharpie included). Stock #5525, $40.00.

Shipped April 7, 2011

Space Gamer #66

The dice don't lie; Space Gamer #66 (cover date November/December 1982) is a critical success!

In addition to the regular game reviews, news, and letters, this issue features two complete games: Orbit War, a near-Earth game of satellite warfare; and Shuttlewars, a space game of shuttles versus satellites.

It also includes the fiction piece "The Finagle Fiasco," proving that whatever can go wrong can be for the best; variant scenarios, races, and rules for the classic game Cosmic Encounter; and more.

Whether you're a fan of old-school gaming or a historian of our hobby, each issue of Space Gamer is the perfect passport to the past!

50-page PDF. Stock #30-2366, $3.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped April 7, 2011

GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions

Now the Horrors Have Reason to Fear

When death can lurk around any dark corner, humanity's defenders must be ever-vigilant. Their story is yours, with GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions.

Written by Jason "PK" Levine (author of GURPS Psionic Powers), GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions gives modern-day heroes what they need to fight the world's most fearsome preternatural foes. This supplement includes:

  • Ten high-powered templates for bringing the battle to the brutes and brains of badness. Make psis, sages, and sleuths in mere minutes -- building a 400-point hero has never been so easy!
  • Nine new wildcard skills suitable for any cinematic-action game -- and expanded rules that make them more useful than ever! Master your chosen field with Detective!, Medic!, and more.
  • A completely new magic system -- Ritual Path magic -- that lets casters try any effect they can imagine . . . with dangerous consequences for those who attempt to do too much.
  • Quick and easy powers -- Bioenhancement, Mysticism, and Psionics -- that give some champions the edge they need.
  • Six templates for inhumans. Become a "bad guy turned good" as a lycanthrope or outcast angel.
  • A selection of gear to arm the monster hunters. You have to buy the bullets before the baddies can buy the farm!

Coupled with the GURPS Basic Set, this pick-up-and-go supplement is all you need to create heroes for any modern-day cinematic supernatural spectacle. The forces of darkness are about to discover that, sometimes, the prey fights back.

66-page PDF. Stock #37-0317, $12.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped April 1, 2011

Floor Plan 2 – The Great Salt Flats

Huge, flat, and completely featureless . . . well, we could have just called this set "Blank Map Sheets." But this is more fun.

This packet contains six sheets, the same size as those in all our other floor plans . . . two-sided, with hexes on one side and squares on the other . . . but except for that, they're completely blank. Use them to expand or customize any Floor Plan or Deck Plan, or create your own!

Or use them for a parking lot, football field, warehouse . . . Never mind. We'll stop now.

This PDF contains several large sheets -- 21" x 23" -- suitable for those with access to an oversized printer. It also contains standard 8.5" x 11" hex and square sheets, for those with more standard printing facilities.

17-page PDF. Stock #30-7302, $FREE.
Buy Now!

M A Y   2 0 1 1 

Shipped May 23, 2011

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped May 23, 2011

Illuminati (Reprint)

They're all around us. Secret conspiracies are everywhere, and where can you find the only truth? Certainly not in the game of Illuminati. Fnord.

The object of Illuminati is to take control of the world. The phone company is controlled by creatures from outer space. The Congressional Wives have taken over the Pentagon. And the Boy Sprouts are cashing in their secret Swiss bank account to smash the IRS!

Illuminati is a classic. It was an instant hit when it was first released in 1982 and won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame. It has been Steve Jackson's signature title ever since.

Two to six players compete to take control of groups ranging from the FBI and CIA to the Dentists, increasing their wealth and power for further takeovers, until one rules supreme. Every player has different victory conditions! No ploy is too devious, no stratagem too low, as you scheme your way to victory.

Boxed game. Stock #1305, UPC 837654320037. $34.95.

Shipped May 23, 2011

Zombie Dice (Reprint)

Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.

You are a zombie. You want braaains. More brains than any of your zombie buddies.

Zombie Dice is fun for any zombie fan (or the whole zombie family). The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop before the shotgun blasts end your turn!

It's a great quick game. Play it at lunch (braaiiiiiins!) or while you're in line for a zombie movie . . . !

Two or more can play. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes, and can be taught in a single round.

13 custom dice, dice cup, and rules. Stock #131313, UPC 837654320419. $13.13.

Shipped May 23, 2011

Star Munchkin (Reprint)

The Munchkins are back -- and they're in space! Now they're Mutants, Cyborgs, and Cat People . . . grabbing Lasers, Vibroswords, and Nova Grenades . . . fighting Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar. This is a complete game using the best-selling Munchkin rules (with a few twists like Sidekicks). Yes, it CAN be combined with Munchkin and all the sequels! And, of course, it features the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and the wacky cartoons of John Kovalic.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1411, UPC 837654320617. $24.99.

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Shipped May 26, 2011

GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy

The Dangers That Dwell in a Thousand Shadows

The dead arise. Impossible animals lurk in the sewers. Inhuman forms howl at the moon while cultists chant nonstop in a filthy basement. For those champions who face the darkness, the job just got more interesting.

GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy provides a horde of high-powered horrors. Although designed for GURPS Monster Hunters, these abominations are perfect for any heavy-hitting supernatural setting. The threats presented include:

  • Undead, such as vampires, mummies, and zombies -- plus quick-and-easy rules for handling mobs of the walking dead!
  • Beings from beyond our Earthly realm. Skin-changers pursue their warped plans within the wrappings of a violated victim, and angels and demons long to make the world a battlefield. Plus you'll get a way to generate demonic abilities, so each encounter with Hell can be unique!
  • Strange slavering monsters, such as chupacabras, albino alligators, and werewolves. Lycanthropy gives pause to even the fearless . . .
  • Mortal malcontents who strike against humanity -- cultists, psis, witches, and more. Tremble as mankind destroys itself from within!

All enemies have full GURPS stats, so they're ready to rend. And find tips for heroes who hunt the horrors, perfect to reflect what every informed investigator should know.

A hero is defined by the caliber of his opposition. With the dire threats of GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy, the heroes will need all the high-caliber help they can load!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-0319, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped May 19, 2011

Pyramid #3/31: Monster Hunters

Monster Killers Versus Killer Monsters!

If you're all out of bubblegum, maybe it's time to kick some monster's aspirations. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is dedicated to the denizens of darkness and those who defeat them . . . especially the champions of GURPS Monster Hunters! This issue's creature features include:

  • "Last Stand on Mason Drive," an adventure for Monster Hunters that pits the heroes versus bad guys and good guys! Written by Matt Riggsby (author of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables and others), this tale includes stunning maps of the innocent-seeming site and the lair hidden underneath.
  • "Monster Hunter Firepower at the Movies," about the real-world weapons used in your favorite fearsome flicks. Written by Hans-Christian Vortisch (co-author of GURPS High-Tech), this article includes full GURPS stats for more than 20 new weapons!
  • "The Horror Out of Dreams," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. It's a mysterious adventure for investigative champions, with GURPS stats for the unexpected threat that's easy to kill but tough to defeat.
  • "The Network," a generic organization suitable for modern-day heroes who don't mind being literally called to act!
  • "Pulp Hunters!," an extensive guide to translating the templates and tools from Monster Hunters to a bygone era of adventure. Who knew that hanging from a cliff would be the least dangerous part of the hero's life?
  • "Inspirational Fiction," Jason "PK" Levine's look at the sources that sparked the soul of the Monster Hunters line -- and which will no doubt prove useful to your gaming as well.

This Pyramid also presents Murphy's Rules from Greg Hyland, and Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table. Attack the night before the night strikes first!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2631, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped May 12, 2011

GURPS WWII Classic: Weird War II

Everyone's heard the stories of World War II -- now take a look at the stories your teachers couldn't tell you in high school. Nazi mystic archmages, SS super-"human" troops, secret antarctic bases, "foo fighters" -- and that's just what the Axis was up to! Now your characters can fight the occult Nazi menace as well. Race for the Ark of the Covenant, steal Nazi tomes, and fight the Werewolves in this unique supplement to the GURPS WWII system.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

147-page PDF. Stock #30-8019, $11.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped May 9, 2011

Zombie Dice Bag

The Zombie Dice Bag is a high-quality zippered bag. The mouth is large enough to fit your hand in to draw out individual cubes for Zombie Dice, or for dumping the entire contents at once! The bag also has a sturdy loop, perfect for attaching to a backpack or belt.

You can use it for your regular dice collection, but it's perfect if you want to carry your Zombie Dice game in a backpack, or take it camping, or anywhere else that might crush or soak the original dice cup.

One side features the smiling zombie drawn by Alex Fernandez; the other has the Zombie Dice logo.

Custom dice bag. Stock #5204, $5.99.

Shipped May 9, 2011

Cthulhu Shot Glass

Cthulhu Dice is not a drinking game . . . but now you can drink in style with the Cthulhu Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz shot glasses feature a spectacular red effect that shimmers as Cthulhu stares at you from the side of the glass. Buy one for yourself or buy a set for your next party so that everyone can go insane together.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9014B, $3.00.

Shipped May 5, 2011

GURPS Horror

It's back . . . and the fear has grown!

GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror master Kenneth Hite. Its time-tested advice on running scary campaigns has been expanded to include current trends and tropes, showing you how to run everything from old-fashioned Gothic and supernatural horror to the latest J-horror, survival horror, and torture horror. The famous bibliography of unspeakable tomes and frightening films has grown to match. And the monsters return with unpleasant friends, as monsters inevitably do -- all with GURPS Fourth Edition racial templates that let you use them as foes, as sinister Allies and cursed Alternate Forms, and even as PCs! Add the new and disturbing powers, the expanded rules for madness and corruption, and countless other updates, and you have everything you need to drag your horror campaign screaming into the 21st century.

178-page PDF. Stock #31-1003, $20.00.
Buy Now!

J U N E   2 0 1 1 

Shipped June 6, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment

The eldritch secrets of Munchkin Cthulhu deserve a special hiding place! The Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.

Bonus: Two new Munchkin Cthulhu cards that are unique to this set!

Two fold-up sturdy cardboard boxes and two cards. Stock #5519, UPC 837654321119. $9.99.

Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter

The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. No braaaaaiiins required.

The Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter comes with two special Munchkin Zombies bonus cards . . . and since the dials can be read from either side, we put the zombie munchkins on one side and their foes on the other.

One two-sided combat counter and two Munchkin Zombies cards. Stock #5524, UPC 837654321102. $6.99.

W 2 3 

Shipped June 23, 2011

Pyramid #3/32: Fears of Days Past

Terror Is Timeless

Since humanity began transcribing history, it's also been recording its fears. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is dedicated to bygone eras of terror, with horror-themed tricks and tools. This issue's forbidding features:

  • "Creatures from the Pit," a GURPS Fourth Edition adventure for Atomic Horror. Written by Stephen Dedman (author of GURPS Dinosaurs), this 1950s fright-fest starts with the heroes in a desert and (hopefully) ends with the monsters getting their just deserts!
  • "Dominion Day," an epic systemless campaign framework set in the Roaring Twenties where the heroes are caught between Heaven and Hell -- literally.
  • "Penanggalan," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. Behold a variant vampire with an Asian origin, a hunger for vengeance, and complete GURPS stats.
  • "The Typewriters of Terror," a generic adventure outline that examines a once-common office necessity and the sinister secrets hidden therein. Pyramid editor Steven Marsh presents this Lovecraftian tale of terror that's easily explored anytime in the past 120 years.
  • "Driving Us Mad," a look at the history and horrific potential of a timeless threat that could lurk under anyone's feet. Written by GURPS WWII: Grim Legions author Michele Armellini, this piece includes chilling GURPS rules for making a mundane threat come frightfully alive.
  • "The Air Loom," an examination by Graeme Davis (GURPS Vikings) of an odd piece of alarming apparatus. The air loom is the 19th century's version of an orbital mind control laser.

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table and other interesting Odds and Ends we couldn't cram anywhere else. If you think today's world is frightening, try living in the past . . . if you dare!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-2632, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped June 16, 2011

Transhuman Space: Transhuman Mysteries

Investigate the Future!

The world of 2100 is a bright and exciting place. But among the dazzle of LED screens and the glitter of cybershell casings linger shadows -- and within shadows lurk mysteries. Transhuman Mysteries brings nail-biting noir and heart-pounding whodunits to the world of Transhuman Space:

  • The types of mystery tales suitable for the world of 2100, from police procedurals to young detectives -- including a locale for each genre where that type of tale would be especially appropriate.
  • Seven occupational lenses, for transforming any hero into an interesting investigator. Become an amateur sleuth, a crime scene analyst, or even a police "superdog"!
  • New and existing advantages, disadvantages, and techniques that are well-suited for a suspenseful story in this SF setting.
  • New and essential equipment for investigators, plus five off-the-shelf infomorph allies.
  • An illumination of investigation in the near-now. Data mining, nanodetection, memetics, and more: Discover what does and doesn't work in the world of detection.
  • A navigation of nefarious activities. From unauthorized existence through ecotage and money nanocleansing to memetic malfeasance, learn what's going on (and what isn't) in the world of criminal activity.
  • A look at lawbreakers of the future. Uncover what brings futuristic folks to crime and how they get ahead . . . and learn that not all criminals are human!
  • A guide on how to build and present a mystery in Transhuman Space. What classic tropes work well in the world of tomorrow, and what bits need to be tweaked?

Whether shadowing a cheating spouse or scrutinizing a charred spaceship, Transhuman Mysteries is the essential guide when there are secrets to uncover and mysteries to solve.

38-page PDF. Stock #37-6712, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped June 9, 2011

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass

Munchkin is not a drinking game. Really.

But don't let that stop you from showing your love of Munchkin with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz glasses are black with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary logo in gold. It's a treasure that any munchkin would be happy to find in his dungeon haul . . . especially since they come with a special rule.

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass Rule

The Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass may be used in any Munchkin game or its sequels.

When fighting a monster on your turn, you may take one complete shot of Strength Potion* from the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass to get a +10 combat bonus. You may do this as many times as you like during a game, but every drink of Strength Potion after the first costs you a level. You may only benefit from one Strength Potion per combat.

* The owner of the Shot Glass is the sole judge of what liquid(s) will make up the Strength Potion.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #5530, $4.00.

Shipped June 9, 2011

GURPS Traveller Classic: Humaniti

Unity in Diversity

In the far future, mankind has scattered to many worlds and divided into many races . . . and some are very alien, despite their Human ancestry. GURPS Traveller: Humaniti describes 16 Human-descended races from the far reaches of the Imperium and beyond, including the technologically advanced Darrians (with their sun-smashing Star Trigger), the carnivorous Dynchia, the dour warrior Azhanti, and the aggressive Itharans. Compiled by Loren Wiseman, this book is a valuable resource for any Traveller campaign.

  • Never-before-published details on the societies and cultures of 16 races of Humaniti.
  • Maps of the Answerin, Darrians, Irhadre, Kargol, Luriani, Nexxies, and Otrai homeworlds.
  • Background histories and character-creation details for all 16 races.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

147-page PDF. Stock #30-6623, $9.99.

Shipped June 2, 2011

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1

"What do you mean, 'It's made of ice and breathes fire'? That doesn't make any sense!"
"Maybe it's vulnerable to heat and cold?"
"Uh, somehow, I don't think that's how it works . . ."

Dungeon Fantasy is all about killing things and taking their stuff. But no loot worth having sits unguarded, and high-minded (or greedy) adventurers often make killing monsters its own goal, whether because the Things are evil and need killin', or just because their teeth and horns make exceptional daggers. Of course, for all this to work, you need monsters -- lots of monsters!

That's where Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1 comes in. While many Dungeon Fantasy books include a few monsters, this supplement is the first in a series dedicated to just the monsters! Inside are 30 creatures to challenge dungeon delvers of all skill levels, ranging from pesky leeches and pygmies to deadly liches and Elder Things. Each comes with complete stats and plenty of notes about habitats, tactics, treasures, and how to GM the abilities of particularly powerful (or weird) critters.

Since players can read this book, there's also one other touch: A chapter on how to change familiar monsters. Because there are undead slimes, and then there are undead undead slimes . . . and nobody expects the fire elemental ice wyrm (or the cold elemental flame lord).

Get ready to kill some thieves test the mettle of your noble adventurers!

41-page PDF. Stock #37-0322, $11.00.
Buy Now!

J U L Y   2 0 1 1 

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Deluxe

What makes this edition "deluxe"? It's got a big gameboard to keep your cards in place, and six colored pawns that you move on the gameboard as you level up! Plus a card to go with each pawn, to make it easy to remember who is what color and whose sex has changed!

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .

And it's illustrated (in full color!) by John Kovalic!

Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.

A 10.5” x 10.5” box with 168 full-color cards, one six-sided die, six plastic pawns, six player cards, a 20” x 10” mounted gameboard, and a rulesheet. Stock #1483, UPC 837654320976. $29.99.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin (Reprint)

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .

And it's illustrated (now in full color!) by John Kovalic!

Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.

168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet. Stock #1408, UPC 837654320310. $24.95.

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu 2 – Call of Cowthulhu (Reprint)

Aw, shucks! Y'all loved Munchkin Cthulhu so much, we jes' had ta bring ya more of that down-home Munchkin craziness!

Munchkin Cthulhu 2 -- Call of Cowthulhu puts the Great Old Ones out to pasture, Munchkin-style! In this 56-card supplement you'll find:

  • More monsters! Hog-Sothoth, the Sheep Ones, Shoggoats -- even Cowthulhu itself!
  • More whackers! Squish unnatural creatures with the Rolling Pin, chop them down with the Scythe, or clean them up with the Super Duper Pooper Scooper.
  • A special card type -- Madness! These are played like Curses, but every Madness has its advantages as well!

And more of everything else. Watch out for Old Man Nodens with his faithful Doggoth. Defeat the Arkhamster with your Prize-Winning Preserves. And fear . . . Bovine Intervention!

Call of Cowthulhu. Country life will never be the same.

56 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1453, UPC 837654320549. $10.99.

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu 3 – The Unspeakable Vault (Reprint)

Kick open the Unspeakable Vault!

For years, Goomi has been unleashing his own vision of Cthulhu upon the world, in his comic "The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)!" Now his unique take on the Elder Gods comes to Munchkin, in the form of Munchkin Cthulhu 3 -- The Unspeakable Vault.

This 56-card expansion brings Great Cthulhoo, Dagoon, Nyarly, and Tindaloo into the pun-filled world of Munchkin. Feed your friends to Cthulhoo, grow Footicles, and use your Inhuman Moan to defeat the Teeny Weeny Mi-Goo.

What darkness lurks in the Vault?

  • More Madness! Fear books (logical enough, given the number of tomes that can eat your face), ichor, even phobias themselves!
  • More Monsters! Face Goomi's versions of the Mythos gods and creatures . . . Ygo, 'Zathoth, Nightgaunts, Ghouls, Deepoines, and many more!
  • More Things That Put The Hurt On Monsters! Wield the Roman Candle, the giant Hypodermic Needle, and the . . . Can Opener? Sure, why not? This is Munchkin!

The Unspeakable Vault -- more "yum yum" for your Munchkin Cthulhu game.

56 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1455, UPC 837654320556. $10.99.

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Booty (Reprint)

Sail the seven seas. Plunder the treasure. Make your buddy walk the plank.

Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold-grabbers in history -- pirates! -- to the world of Munchkin. Use your Silver Long Johns to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself with the Cutlass (or Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But watch out for Sharks!

Rake in the loot as a Pirate, Naval Officer, or Merchant. Taunt your foes with your horrible Accent -- British, Spanish, Dutch, or French. Equip your Half-Galleon with a Crow's Nest and Figurehead. But above all . . . level up!

Munchkin Booty is a stand-alone card game designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic. It is fully compatible with the original Munchkin.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1459, UPC 837654320600. $24.95.

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Zombies (Reprint)

Kill the Living! Eat their Brains! Braaiiinns!

It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! You are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The “monsters” you're attacking are people, some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever you've blundered across during your lurching search for brains. So bravely you'll go forth, with mousetraps on your feet and a bowling trophy protecting your poor rotting head . . . to level up, or to die.


168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet, in a 6" x 9" box. Stock #1481, UPC 837654321010. $24.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped July 28, 2011

GURPS Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks

Heroes Have What the Darkness Lacks -- Friends

Anyone blessed with awesome abilities can take up armor and armaments to attack awful adversity. But what about the friends and allies with slightly less predestined potential?

GURPS Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks continues the fast-paced Monster Hunters series with information on the hunters who face fearsome foes from a more down-to-earth perspective. Written by Jason "PK" Levine (author of GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions and GURPS Psionic Powers), this supplement includes:

  • Ten 200-point templates suitable as Allies or full-fledged heroic PCs -- and two 100-point templates so even the sidekicks can have sidekicks!
  • Six 200-point lenses for "upgrading" a template to full champion status. With these options, you can replace fallen monster hunters, replicate the heroic journey and growth found in popular fiction, devise interesting and organic champions, and more!
  • Rules for quick-and-dirty charm creation. Power up your mana-minded magicians' arsenals with just a few dice rolls.
  • Extensive insight on using "sidekicks" as allies, playing them as less-powerful monster hunters, or even upgrading them to full-fledged champions. Learn about the sidekick mindset, discover the joy of mixed-power-level campaigns, and unleash the potential of "flashback" adventures.

Whether you're looking for quip-quoting acquaintances, a group of distinct inhuman champions, guidelines for a lower-powered monster-hunting campaign, or more fleshed-out full-powered fear-fighters, GURPS Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks will take your Monster Hunters campaign to sensational new heights. Look to the camera and insert your own metatextual comment here!

23-page PDF. Stock #37-0320, $7.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped July 21, 2011

Pyramid #3/33: Low-Tech

The Gear From Yesteryear Is Here!

Sticks and stones may break some bones, but inventors make sticks better! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is dedicated to technology of old, with a special emphasis on material that builds on GURPS Low-Tech:

  • "The Deadly Spring," a detailed optional system that lets you create a near-infinite variety of GURPS bows to your exact specifications. Designed to provide the same level of intricacy and nuance that gun enthusiasts already enjoy, this system uses the included spreadsheet to make creating bows painless for you and painful for the guy on the other end of the arrow. It also features 13 ready-to-use bows, from ancient to modern and everything in between.
  • "At Play in the Fields," an expansion of the agriculture and farming rules from GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics. Written by Matt Riggsby (co-author of that supplement and GURPS Low-Tech), these simulationist rules will keep the landowners' assets productive enough to support other interesting projects.
  • "Medieval Prisons," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. If you're looking for a place to stay, you could do worse than picking a premodern penitentiary . . . but it'd be challenging.
  • "A Killing Breath," expanded rules and options for blowguns in GURPS. Thomas Weigel (editor for several GURPS projects) offers six sizes of blowguns, nine types of ammo, three new perks, and three new GURPS Martial Arts styles.
  • "Roman Technology," a look at the tricks and techniques used by the once-great Empire in the third century. Kenneth Peters (co-author of GURPS Ultra-Tech) uses GURPS Low-Tech and its companions to make the era come alive . . . and debunk myths at the same time. It also includes GURPS stats for nine "new" Roman vehicles.

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, the classic mirth of Murphy's Rules, and Odds and Ends we crammed into the creative catapult. Let the candle of inspiration burn overhead!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2633, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped July 18, 2011

+10 Bag o' Munchkin d6

Do you have enough dice? Of course not!

Would you like a set of TEN Munchkin d6s, matching the dice from each Munchkin core set? Of course!

When we reprinted the Munchkin sets, we ordered some extra dice, and now we're making them available to you! And of COURSE they have a rule!

10 six-sided dice. Stock #5522, $8.00.

Shipped July 18, 2011

Munchkin Birthday Cake Card

Kill the monsters. Steal the treasure. Wish your buddy a happy birthday!

It's Munchkin's 10th birthday! We're so happy that it's our birthday that we're wishing everyone else a happy birthday, too. And what better way to wish your buddies a happy "glad you're another year older" day than loot!

Munchkin Birthday Cake Card Rule

Show everyone this card so that they can confirm its rule.

If it is in fact your birthday today, draw one extra Treasure into your starting hand for every other player in the game. Be sure to thank them all for the lovely presents. You must be able to produce identification proving it is your birthday!

If it is not your birthday today, then it is Cheating to use this card... so this card lets you use one Item that you otherwise could not, just like a Cheat! card. However, because only little munchkins get cool presents, you cannot use this ability past Level 5 (Level 10 in Epic games).

Each player may only use one greeting card per game of Munchkin.

One Munchkin Birthday card, with envelope. Stock #5534, $2.00.

Shipped July 14, 2011

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 13: Loadouts

Gear Up!

Dungeon Fantasy is about killing things and taking their stuff, not dying of boredom while shopping for stuff. There are times when you want to pick out and tweak every last item of equipment for your new fantasy hero . . . but in most cases, starting gear ends up replaced, used up, broken, or lost within an adventure or two. So why waste valuable gaming time on it?

Enter Dungeon Fantasy 13: Loadouts, which does for gear what character templates do for abilities. Simply look up your delver's profession (anything from Dungeon Fantasy 1-12) and pick a few lenses and options to get a decent set of equipment for him – all the armor, weapons, and other gear he needs to get out there and start having adventures. Leave the accounting for later, when you come home with the loot!

The gear in each loadout is itemized, each piece annotated with cost and weight, a page reference, and brief stats. Every set gives the skills needed to use it, total weight, overall cost, and advice on trading points for cash or Signature Gear to afford it. There are even package costs and weights for alternate SMs, allowing you to outfit any adventurer from a pixie to an ogre.

But wait, there's more! What would a book of gear be without new stuff? Inside are rules for artificers' tool vests, camouflage clothing, exotic weapons, partial armor, repeating pistol crossbows, and styled holy-warrior garb.

In the immortal words of Marge the Barbarian, "Less shop, more chop!"

54-page PDF. Stock #37-0323, $11.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped July 7, 2011

In Nomine: Heaven and Hell

Better to Reign in Hell . . .

At least that's what Lucifer thought. But when you take a closer look at the home that he and the other Fallen have carved out for themselves, you might have a different opinion. Heaven, on the other hand, is a lovely place – but even Paradise may not be what mortals expect . . .

Book Three of The Revelations Cycle, Heaven and Hell gives players and Game Masters alike a closer look at the Celestial Realms of the In Nomine game universe. Each Principality of Hell and Heaven is described, with adventure ideas geared to it. Heaven and Hell also portrays four Superiors in more detail, introduces two new Superiors, adds rules for adventures in the Celestial Realms, and includes "No Dinero," a complete adventure.

You will need the In Nomine basic rulebook to play. Books One and Two of The Revelations Cycle, Night Music and The Marches, are useful but not necessary.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3306, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped July 5, 2011

Munchkin Zombies Water Bottle

For those of us who like to get out and exercise . . . and for the rest of us, who are gamers . . . It's a metal water bottle with the Munchkin Zombies cover art, painted in a beautiful color we're calling Gan-Green, with a carabiner to clip it to your belt, backpack, bandolier, or whatever else you have handy. And it has a rule . . .

Munchkin Zombies Water Bottle Rules

You may use this bottle in any game of Munchkin or its sequels. It may be used during any combat.

1. Show everyone this sheet so they can read the rules.

2. The Munchkin Zombies Water Bottle contains three swallows of Zombie Juice. Each swallow gives +1 in combat. You must actually drink one swallow for each +1 you want. You may drink it all for one combat, to get +3, or spread it out between combats. If you use the Munchkin Zombies Water Bottle in a game of Munchkin Zombies, you may drink all three swallows at once for a +4 bonus in any combat (individual swallows still only count for +1 each). You may give swallows of your Zombie Juice to other players, but be careful not to share Munchkin germs, or you might lose a level.

3. After each swallow, mark off one of the three boxes below. When all three boxes are marked off, the bottle is empty for game purposes, though you should still finish all the Zombie Juice, because staying hydrated is good for you.

One 20 oz. water bottle. Stock #5532, $10.00.

A U G U S T   2 0 1 1 

Shipped August 29, 2011

GURPS Horror

It's back . . . and the fear has grown!

GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror master Kenneth Hite. Its time-tested advice on running scary campaigns has been expanded to include current trends and tropes, showing you how to run everything from old-fashioned Gothic and supernatural horror to the latest J-horror, survival horror, and torture horror. The famous bibliography of unspeakable tomes and frightening films has grown to match. And the monsters return with unpleasant friends, as monsters inevitably do – all with GURPS Fourth Edition racial templates that let you use them as foes, as sinister Allies and cursed Alternate Forms, and even as PCs! Add the new and disturbing powers, the expanded rules for madness and corruption, and countless other updates, and you have everything you need to drag your horror campaign screaming into the 21st century.

176 black-and-white pages. Hardcover. Stock #01-1003, ISBN 978-1-55634-803-7. $29.95.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 15, 2011

Munchkin Zombies 2 – Armed and Dangerous

Return of the (un)Living Munchkins!

Shuffle and shamble your way to victory with 112 new cards for Munchkin Zombies. Wield your Trained Attack Flies and your Prehensile Tongue against the Zombie Gamer! Be the Rankest of the Rank and use the Power of SCIENCE against the dread Survivalist. Gain a new power . . . Hungry . . . and play a new Mojo, the horrible Patchwork Zombie!

This is an expansion for Munchkin Zombies. It is not a stand-alone game.

112 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1482, UPC 837654321171. $19.95.

Munchkin Conan the Barbarian (Booster Pack)

At last . . . the Munchkin meets the mightiest barbarian of all!

Based on the new movie, coming in Fall 2011, these cards let you wear the Mask of Acheron or the Barbarian Booties . . . wield the Sword of Corin or the Stygian Talons . . . and defeat the Sand Warriors, the hideous Dweller . . . or Khalar Zym himself!

The backs of these cards match the original fantasy-based Munchkin set, but Conan can kick monster butt in any Munchkin game!

This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Conan the Barbarian pack is the same as every other.

Conan is copyright © 2011 by Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI.

Fin-seal pack containing 15 cards. Stock #4227, UPC 837654321294. $5.95.

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Level Counters

Stop Carrying All Those Pennies!

Six big, easy-to-read level counters for Munchkin . . . in six great Munchkin flavors! And of course there's a special rule!

Special Rule

If you are using a level counter that matches the set (or one of the sets) you are playing, start the game at Level 2 rather than Level 1! Roll the die before the game. The high roller gets to pick his level counter first. If the order matters after that, go in descending order of rolls.

Six level counters in a plastic bag. Stock #5515, UPC 837654320723. $9.99.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped August 15, 2011

Munchkin Fu (Reprint)

If you loved Munchkin . . . look out. Here they come again.

"I'm a Ninja with the Dragon Tooth Katana!"
"I'm a Monk with the Sai of Spleen Mangling. Fear my Drunken Monkey Kung Fu!"
"I'm a Yakuza with a gun. Run away!"

The Munchkins are back! Now the game is chop-socky Hong Kong action. The characters are Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza, and Monks. The foes are mooks, demons, and assorted bad guys from all the worst martial arts films you've ever seen. Collect treasures and learn new styles to build up your character's powers. Kill the monsters, take their stuff, and be the first one to 10th level!

Created by Steve Jackson. Munchkin Fu is completely compatible with the entire Munchkin line.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1412, UPC 837654320587. $24.95.

Shipped August 15, 2011

Munchkin 3 – Clerical Errors (Reprint)

Another 112 cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who's the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.

And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:

112 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1416, UPC 837654320488. $19.95.

Shipped August 15, 2011

Munchkin 4 – The Need For Steed (Reprint)

Munchkin 4 – The Need for Steed is an expansion for the original Munchkin – 112 more cards for killing monsters, stealing treasure, and backstabbing your fellow players. This set introduces Steeds, the trusty mounts of legend . . . Oh, wait – this is Munchkin! So these Steeds include not just the Dragon and the Tiger, but the Giant Mutant Gerbil (drawn by guest artist Shaenon K. Garrity of Narbonic), the Chicken, and Big Joe, who might be a Steed or might be a Hireling. It's hard to tell.

Hireling? Yes indeed, The Need for Steed has lots and lots of Hirelings, who look quite a bit like Sidekicks from Super Munchkin, or Minions from Munchkin Bites! Add these valuable characters to your retinue, use their special abilities, and sacrifice them to save your own skin!

Feel the need . . . The Need for Steed! (Now with full-color art!)

112 cards and rulesheet in a tuckbox. Stock #1444, UPC 837654320631. $19.95.

Shipped August 1, 2011

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass (Reprint)

Munchkin is not a drinking game. Really.

But don't let that stop you from showing your love of Munchkin with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz glasses are black with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary logo in gold. It's a treasure that any munchkin would be happy to find in his dungeon haul . . . especially since they come with a special rule.

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass Rule

The Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass may be used in any Munchkin game or its sequels.

When fighting a monster on your turn, you may take one complete shot of Strength Potion* from the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass to get a +10 combat bonus. You may do this as many times as you like during a game, but every drink of Strength Potion after the first costs you a level. You may only benefit from one Strength Potion per combat.

* The owner of the Shot Glass is the sole judge of what liquid(s) will make up the Strength Potion.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #5530, $4.00.

W 2 3 

Shipped August 25, 2011

In Nomine: Fall of the Malakim

Welcome to Los Angeles, City of Demons

L.A. is run by the forces of Hell, and any angels there exist at the whim of the demonic elite. But the demons are about to find out what happens when you push a Malakite too far . . .

Fall of the Malakim is Book Four of The Revelations Cycle for the In Nomine roleplaying game. In addition to an in-depth look at Los Angeles and its celestial denizens, Fall of the Malakim contains extended Superior write-ups for David and Lilith, introduces the rare Bright Lilim, and contains two complete adventures, "The Premiere" and "Fall of the Malakim."

You will need the In Nomine basic rulebook to play. Books One, Two, and Three of The Revelations Cycle (Night Music, The Marches, and Heaven and Hell) are useful but not necessary.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3308, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 18, 2011

Pyramid #3/34: Alternate GURPS

The Tweak-ist Link

When it comes to helping craft exactly the kind of game you want, GURPS has choices galore. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is dedicated to optional tweaks and techniques that shake up the system, adding new possibilities or challenging the underlying assumptions of the game. This issue's molecular manipulations include:

  • "Alternate Spaceships," a look at modifications to the wildly popular GURPS Spaceships system. Written by that series' mastermind, David Pulver, this feature includes interesting tweaks, new systems, variant design features, and more.
  • "A New Take on Grappling," a radical revision that unifies and expands the grappling system from the GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Martial Arts. Get hands on!
  • "When We Were Very Small," an examination of the smaller side of GURPS. This "little" tweak includes a big table of over 100 tiny troublemakers.
  • "Extreme Damage," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. What happens when people, objects, and explosions get really big?
  • "Ten Tweaks to Customize Combat," a handful of new and expanded options for when baddies bring on the battle.
  • "A Deck of Dice," which replaces the fundamental resolution mechanic for GURPS with a simple suggestion . . . thus opening up new possibilities!
  • "Armor Revisited," a look at how to introduce variability to the defensive side of the fray.

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a GURPS-flavored Murphy's Rules, and more. With this issue, we encourage you to break the rules!

34-page PDF. Stock #37-2634, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 15, 2011

Cthulhu Sherpa Case

Have you seen the mark of Cthulhu? Now control . . . the marker of Cthulhu!

This solid metal case turns a regular disposable pen or marker into a designer writing tool. The Cthulhu Sherpa will last for YEARS. Unless you put it down and take your eyes off it. In that case, it will probably be gone in 60 seconds. It's that cool.

It's purple. Very purple. It carries the image of Great Cthulhu and the "Game Over / Cthulhu Wins" slogan. A perfect gift for the cultist in your life . . . or gloat over it yourself!

The Cthulhu Sherpa is available in VERY limited quantities: We made 250, but some of those are reserved for staff, prizes, and so on. Because it's a bigger print run than the original Munchkin Sherpa, it costs only $40. It includes a purple marker. Get one now before they're gone!

Sherpa is a trademark of the Paradise Pen Company.

Metal marker case (Sharpie included). Stock #5205, $40.00.

Shipped August 15, 2011

Cthulhu Shot Glass

Cthulhu Dice is not a drinking game . . . but now you can drink in style with the Cthulhu Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz shot glasses feature a spectacular effect that shimmers as Cthulhu stares at you from the side of the glass. Buy one for yourself or buy a set for your next party so that everyone can go insane together.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9014C, $3.00.

Shipped August 15, 2011

Cthulhu Shot Glass

Cthulhu Dice is not a drinking game . . . but now you can drink in style with the Cthulhu Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz. shot glasses are Black with a Gold Cthulhu. Beware -- each drink will steal your sanity. Buy one for yourself or buy a set for your next party so that everyone can go insane together.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9014D, $4.00.

Shipped August 11, 2011

GURPS Psi-Tech

Where GURPS Psionic Powers brought you powers of the mind, GURPS Psis presented the people who wield them, and GURPS Psionic Campaigns showed how to build settings around those elements, GURPS Psi-Tech is your gateway to the realm of psionic technology. It explores the paranormal interface between mind and machine . . . everything from the tools of real-world parapsychologists to the wildest gadgets of science fiction and fantasy. Within you'll find rules for psychotronic gadgetry and bio-psi technology that can enhance or counter psi powers at any tech level, along with guidelines for fitting them into your campaign. Whether your adventure features fantasy mentalists using herbs and crystals to boost their abilities, modern-day conspirators hacking out brains and putting psi-suppressants in the water, or super-gadgeteers and future-folk wielding psionic death rays and amplifier helmets, you've come to the right store to shop.

43-page PDF. Stock #37-1665, $11.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 4, 2011

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi

The Mind Defined!

When you're roaming through a dungeon and you meet something elemental, transcendental, or hell-bental on destruction . . . it's time to get mental!

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi lets you introduce the power of the mind to any Dungeon Fantasy campaign. Written by GURPS mastermind Sean Punch, this supplement offers:

  • Two dozen psionic abilities, including Battlesense, Levitation, and Transdimensional Sight.
  • The mentalist profession, a 250-point template with customization notes for six different approaches.
  • Lenses that add any of the core GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Dungeons possibilities to the mentalist -- plus a lens that adds mentalist abilities to any other template!
  • Power-ups that augment the masters of mental might, such as Bonded Creature, Elder Lore, and Death Possession.
  • A look at psionics in the campaign, including how it interacts with magic, what effect it has in combat, and how it intersects with dungeon-dwelling danger.
  • Things that threaten with the power of thought. Beware the psionic encounter table and nine new mentalist-menacing monsters!
  • Incredible gear especially suitable for psis, such as telekinetic's webbing, hypno-discs, and the powerful pyramid hat.

With this thought-provoking tome, you get everything you need to bring mental mayhem into your Dungeon Fantasy campaign. Get GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi, so you can get your head in the game!

47-page PDF. Stock #37-0324, $11.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 1, 2011

Munchkin Zombies Removable Thumb Drive

Once per game, you may remove a monster from combat; place the Monster card in your hand. It grants neither levels nor treasure. If this was the only monster in the fight, the combat ends immediately. The current player may Loot The Room, but may not Look For Trouble.

One 2 GB thumb drive. Stock #5535, $20.00.

Shipped August 1, 2011

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass (Reprint)

Munchkin is not a drinking game. Really.

But don't let that stop you from showing your love of Munchkin with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz glasses are black with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary logo in gold. It's a treasure that any munchkin would be happy to find in his dungeon haul . . . especially since they come with a special rule.

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass Rule

The Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass may be used in any Munchkin game or its sequels.

When fighting a monster on your turn, you may take one complete shot of Strength Potion* from the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Shot Glass to get a +10 combat bonus. You may do this as many times as you like during a game, but every drink of Strength Potion after the first costs you a level. You may only benefit from one Strength Potion per combat.

* The owner of the Shot Glass is the sole judge of what liquid(s) will make up the Strength Potion.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #5530, $4.00.

S E P T E M B E R   2 0 1 1 

Shipped September 26, 2011

Zombie Chibithulhu

Cute. Cuddly. Cannibalistic.

Our line of Chibithulhu plush toys has been very popular. Now we've zombified it!

This 10”-tall soft and huggable plush figure features huge, adorable, dead eyes, a juicy pink brain on the chest . . . and tentacles. It's made of all-new materials, and is machine washable.

Of course, this toy includes a special rule, which will help you during Munchkin Zombies games.

10" tall plush toy. Stock #9407, UPC 837654321331. $22.95.

Shipped September 19, 2011

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (red}

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523A, UPC 837654321041. $5.95.

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (orange)

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523B, UPC 837654321058. $5.95.

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (yellow)

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523C, UPC 837654321065. $5.95.

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (green)

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523D, UPC 837654321072. $5.95.

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (blue)

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523E, UPC 837654321089. $5.95.

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (purple)

Bigger Is Better!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are available in six different colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors from Munchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Plus, every color comes with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice!

Note: A seventh color, Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6s, is available in Warehouse 23 only, but these do NOT come with cards.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice and two cards in a blister pack. Stock #5523F, UPC 837654321096. $5.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped September 26, 2011

Chibithulhu Plush (Reprint)

Cute. Cuddly. Sanity-blasting.

Cthulhu takes many forms, and Munchkin Cthulhu features plenty of them. But the cutest of all is Chibithulhu. It was our first plush toy and it's still the most popular.

This 10"-tall soft and huggable plush figure features huge, adorable eyes, a loving heart on the chest . . . and Cthulhu's trademark tentacles. It's made of all-new materials, and is machine washable.

Of course, this toy includes a special rule, which will help you during Munchkin Cthulhu games.

10" tall green plush figure. Stock #9402, UPC 837654321348. $22.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped September 29, 2011

GURPS Classic: Faerie

They lie, steal, kidnap, maim, and kill -- and we put them in our children's nurseries. They are the Fair Folk . . . the Little People . . . the Faeries.

You may think they only appear in tales, but they are everywhere: in the shadows, behind the trees, beneath the hills -- and yes, even under the bed. They have lived beside us since the very beginning. Some are pretty and delicate, with gossamer wings . . . others are 10 feet tall with a taste for human flesh, or wizened killers with blue skin and iron claws. This book lets you incorporate them all into your GURPS game.

GURPS Faerie contains:

  • A guide to faeries of the world, from Alaska and Australia to Brazil and Japan.
  • Templates for many types of faeries . . . and the mortals who know them.
  • A guide to faerie magic.
  • Campaign settings, from traditional European folklore to paranormal investigation or supernatural cyberpunk -- or build your own with the tools provided!

Keep cold iron and Scripture close to hand, believe the opposite of what you hear, and don't trust anything you see. And, whatever you do, don't eat their food.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

130-page PDF. Stock #30-6043, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped September 26, 2011

Munchkin Gameboard

All true munchkins know . . . part of the fun is gloating about how far ahead you are. With the Munchkin Gameboard, it's easy for everyone to see exactly where they are. Gloat at your impending victory, or curse the fates as your rivals move past you.

The board has rooms numbered 1 to 10; use your favorite miniatures or any other counters you like* to mark your progress through the dungeon. The first player to reach 10 is the winner!

It also has spaces for both decks and their discard pile.

* It makes us happy when you use official Munchkin pawns!

One gameboard Stock #5520, $5.00.

Shipped September 22, 2011

Pyramid #3/35: Aliens

The Stars Are Alive!

Sure, Mars says they need women, but what are they really up to? Or those upstarts from Delta Cephei? Or any of the billions of beings who likely inhabit the cosmos? This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- takes an in-depth look at aliens. A shadowy autopsy of this issue's contents will reveal:

  • "Alien Disadvantages," an exploration of dozens of the GURPS Basic Set disadvantages, with an eye for how to turn them into something new and unexpected. Learn when "Flashbacks" might not really be flashbacks, plus other possibilities.
  • "The Trojan Gambit," describing an alien invader with a twist. Written by GURPS veteran Michele Armellini, these entities (with GURPS stats) show the problem with keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.
  • "Making Something Alien," a systemless examination of the thoughts, motivations, and appearances that make something seem truly out of this world.
  • "Wargrave Station," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. This versatile "graveyard" for extraterrestrial artifacts includes an unusual GURPS Spaceships vessel.
  • "Well Past Alien," presenting six extraordinary species suitable for any spacefaring setting. Can the heroes overcome each one's intrinsic inhumanity and establish meaningful contact?
  • "Alien Starting Conditions," a quick-and-easy systemless method that generates new outlooks for aliens by looking at their planet of origins. You can't go home again, but you always bring some of it with you.
  • "First Contact," a dozen quick ideas for how to bring aliens to Earth . . . or how we might encounter the unknown.

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a Murphy's Rules that might prove alienating, and more. With this issue, you're sure to have a close encounter of the best kind!

37-page PDF. Stock #37-2635, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped September 15, 2011

In Nomine: The Final Trumpet

Put In Your Sickle And Reap, For The Hour To Reap Has Come

Or has it? The forces of darkness are trying to bring on Armageddon, but nothing is quite as it seems. Some infernals are opposing it, and some angels are helping it along. It's time to choose sides for the biggest fight since the Fall, and no one knows who will win, or even if the time is right . . .

The Final Trumpet is the conclusion to the five-part Revelations Cycle for the In Nomine roleplaying game. It contains extended Superior write-ups for Michael, Baal, Kobal and Malphas, and introduces two new Superiors: Khalid, the Archangel of Faith, and Magog, the Demon Prince of Cruelty. Also included is "The Final Trumpet," the biggest In Nomine adventure ever published.

You will need the In Nomine basic rulebook to play. Books One through Four of The Revelations Cycle (Night Music, The Marches, Heaven and Hell, and Fall of the Malakim), are useful but not necessary.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-3311, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped September 8, 2011

GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Horror

From Fear to Eternity

It has been said that an optimist believes we live in the best of all worlds, while a pessimist fears we do. Yet if we fear that ours is the best world, how fearsome must all those other worlds be?

Some of the answers can be found within the pages of GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Horror. Written by Kenneth Hite -- eldritch architect of GURPS Infinite Worlds and GURPS Horror for GURPS Fourth Edition -- this supplement includes six terrifying timelines where events have taken impossible turns for the worse.

Each alternate Earth provides an intriguing history, complete with an explanation of the divergence point when things began to go awry. Each also offers details of how agents from the GURPS Infinite Worlds setting are active in that timeline -- and what dark secrets they've uncovered. Finally, each section contains campaign ideas, with possibilities for natives and outworld operatives.

Whether facing the shambling scourge of the walking dead, the sinister science of Victor Frankenstein, or the soul-crushing secrets lurking in the void, GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Horror presents a half-dozen horrific possibilities suitable for stand-alone scares or as part of an ongoing campaign. You can't outrun history -- but sometimes it's the only option!

29-page PDF. Stock #37-1673, $7.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped September 1, 2011

GURPS Reign of Steel: Will to Live

Fatal Error: (A)void / (R)ebel / (F)lee?

For millennia, humanity has mastered tools to further its goals. But what if technology became the master? Imagine a world where robots rule -- a tomorrow where imagination is outlawed.

GURPS Reign of Steel: Will to Live includes all the intel required to upgrade the classic GURPS Reign of Steel setting to GURPS Fourth Edition, such as:

  • Completely new fiction by setting mastermind (and GURPS Fourth Edition co-author) David L. Pulver.
  • Over two dozen lenses, presenting Fourth Edition information on common human character types, plus two bioroid lenses. Take up arms as a mechrider, an info-commando, or an aniroid ranger!
  • Details on how to fight robots, including three GURPS Martial Arts styles!
  • Full GURPS stats on the robots from Reign of Steel -- over 30 write-ups in all! All the enemies from that setting are now presented as GURPS Fourth Edition characters, for maximum portability and ease of use. Heroes can fight the 351-point XNU-09 Stalker security sentries, find the 436-point "doppelganger" RAU-06 Lilith models, or flee the 6,470-point XAU-03 Juggernaut battle tank!
  • Eight templates for robot roles, providing flexibility and alternate functions. Is that bucket of bolts a techbot, an exterminator, or a rogue?
  • Advantages, disadvantages, perks, and quirks used by robots -- plus 20 weapons!
  • Fourth Edition details on all the gear, weapons, and technology found in the deadly tomorrow. Learn how the latest edition of GURPS Ultra-Tech intersects Reign of Steel!
  • Fourth Edition insight on the second-biggest killer in Reign of Steel: disease.

With this update and the original Reign of Steel setting, you have everything you need to play in that science-fiction world. Or, used alone, it provides an invaluable source of Fourth Edition robot templates and characters that you'll enjoy as long as you live . . . or, perhaps, until you're rebooted.

This supplement requires GURPS Ultra-Tech for details of human and robot equipment. The original GURPS Reign of Steel supplement is also necessary to use this volume as more than a catalog of specialized robot designs.

51-page PDF. Stock #37-0609, $11.00.
Buy Now!

O C T O B E R   2 0 1 1 

Shipped October 31, 2011

Giant Cthulhu Dice (Yellow w/Black)

Everybody loved the giant foam Cthulhu Dice set that we made for convention demos! They begged and pleaded. It was driving us mad. Mad, I tell you!

So we gave in and made enough for everybody.

It's a 4" foam 12-sided die, with tentacles, Elder Signs, and Great Cthulhu himself. It's SQUISHY!

Giant Cthulhu Dice comes in four different colors. Instead of the glass beads that the original set used for Sanity, Giant Cthulhu Dice includes 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Great Cthulhu himself! Put them on your wrist, or your tentacle, or wherever you want. Go crazy!

It's perfect for outdoors or for waiting in line. Keep Giant Cthulhu Dice in your backpack and drive your friends mad outdoors, waiting in line . . . It even floats, not that there's any way you can tell which side is up in the pool. But don't let that stop you!

A 4" foam 12-sided die and 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Cthulhu, packaged in a plastic bag with cardboard header. Stock #131317A, UPC 837654321201 . $16.95.

Giant Cthulhu Dice (Purple w/ Unspeakable Green)

Everybody loved the giant foam Cthulhu Dice set that we made for convention demos! They begged and pleaded. It was driving us mad. Mad, I tell you!

So we gave in and made enough for everybody.

It's a 4" foam 12-sided die, with tentacles, Elder Signs, and Great Cthulhu himself. It's SQUISHY!

Giant Cthulhu Dice comes in four different colors. Instead of the glass beads that the original set used for Sanity, Giant Cthulhu Dice includes 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Great Cthulhu himself! Put them on your wrist, or your tentacle, or wherever you want. Go crazy!

It's perfect for outdoors or for waiting in line. Keep Giant Cthulhu Dice in your backpack and drive your friends mad outdoors, waiting in line . . . It even floats, not that there's any way you can tell which side is up in the pool. But don't let that stop you!

A 4" foam 12-sided die and 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Cthulhu, packaged in a plastic bag with cardboard header. Stock #131317B, UPC 837654321218. $16.95.

Giant Cthulhu Dice (Dark Red w/Gold)

Everybody loved the giant foam Cthulhu Dice set that we made for convention demos! They begged and pleaded. It was driving us mad. Mad, I tell you!

So we gave in and made enough for everybody.

It's a 4" foam 12-sided die, with tentacles, Elder Signs, and Great Cthulhu himself. It's SQUISHY!

Giant Cthulhu Dice comes in four different colors. Instead of the glass beads that the original set used for Sanity, Giant Cthulhu Dice includes 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Great Cthulhu himself! Put them on your wrist, or your tentacle, or wherever you want. Go crazy!

It's perfect for outdoors or for waiting in line. Keep Giant Cthulhu Dice in your backpack and drive your friends mad outdoors, waiting in line . . . It even floats, not that there's any way you can tell which side is up in the pool. But don't let that stop you!

A 4" foam 12-sided die and 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Cthulhu, packaged in a plastic bag with cardboard header. Stock #131317C, UPC 837654321225. $16.95.

Giant Cthulhu Dice (Dark Green w/Yellow)

Everybody loved the giant foam Cthulhu Dice set that we made for convention demos! They begged and pleaded. It was driving us mad. Mad, I tell you!

So we gave in and made enough for everybody.

It's a 4" foam 12-sided die, with tentacles, Elder Signs, and Great Cthulhu himself. It's SQUISHY!

Giant Cthulhu Dice comes in four different colors. Instead of the glass beads that the original set used for Sanity, Giant Cthulhu Dice includes 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Great Cthulhu himself! Put them on your wrist, or your tentacle, or wherever you want. Go crazy!

It's perfect for outdoors or for waiting in line. Keep Giant Cthulhu Dice in your backpack and drive your friends mad outdoors, waiting in line . . . It even floats, not that there's any way you can tell which side is up in the pool. But don't let that stop you!

A 4" foam 12-sided die and 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Cthulhu, packaged in a plastic bag with cardboard header. Stock #131317D, UPC 837654321232. $16.95.

Cthulhu Dice (Blue with Yellow Ink)

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first!

Cthulhu Dice
lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and your're mad. The last sane cultist wins . . . unless everyone goes mad together. Then Cthulhu wins!

Cthulhu Dice plays in 5 to 10 minutes, and is fun for 2 to 6 players.

One large custom die, 18 glass marbles, baggie, and rules. Stock #131318, UPC 837654321300. $5.95.

Trophy Buck

Get that buck!

Trophy Buck is a fast-moving game about deer hunting. The 12 custom dice represent deer. Push your luck to bag the most points, but stop rolling before too many "startles" end your turn! Will you bring home a trophy, or will you just be looking at tracks?

3 to 8 can play. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes, and can be taught in a single round. It comes in a durable cammo bag -- great to take on camping or hunting trips.

Trophy Buck is based on the Zombie Dice mechanic -- but with four dice colors and 12 dice, it's a brand new experience.

12 custom dice and rules in a durable camo bag. Stock #1380, UPC 837654321195. $9.95.

Munchkin Axe Cop

Chop Off Their Heads And Take Their Stuff!

Axe Cop is a cop. With an axe. And he knows how to use it.

Axe Cop is the hit webcomic written by Malachai Nicolle (age 5) and drawn by his brother Ethan (age 29). With his friends Dinosaur Soldier and Sockarang, Axe Cop fights crime! He hunts down the bad guys (like Giant Robot Zombie, Vampire Man Baby Kid, and Dr. Stinky Head) and CHOPS THEIR HEADS OFF. Just don't get blood on you, or you might turn into something totally different, like Bat Warthog Man or Avocado Warrior.

There's only one game that can match the anything-goes action of Axe Cop -- and it's Munchkin. So clearly we had to bring you . . . Munchkin Axe Cop. Using original art from the series (and a few brand-new pieces by Ethan Nicolle), this game drops you into the world of Axe Cop.

You know what to do. Chop the bad guys' heads off and TAKE THEIR STUFF!

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #4401, UPC 837654321157. $24.95.
Buy Now!

Munchkin Dice Bag

Be the envy of your friends with the Munchkin Dice Bag, an awesome item with an awesome bonus. Fill it with official Munchkin six-sided dice and watch your friends groan in frustration as your Munchkin-head results turn failure into success. And it comes with two new Munchkin cards, Blind Chance and Bag of Hoarding, that give it extra one-time powers!

Zippered dice bag and two cards. Stock #5528, UPC 837654321263. $9.95.

Shipped October 24, 2011
Shipped October 10, 2011

GURPS Tactical Shooting

As Real as a Fistful of Steel!

The smell of black powder and cordite. The quick blinding of a muzzle flash. The deafening roar of a close-quarter gunshot. Forget the movies; true shooting is exciting enough for a thousand stories -- if you live long enough to tell the tale.

GURPS Tactical Shooting does for life-like shooting what GURPS Martial Arts brings to real hand-to-hand combat -- gives all the information you need to bring realistic firearm combat to the gaming table:

  • Dozens of new rules, options, and possibilities for realistic shooting. Discover the different stances shooters use to give them an edge. Recognize the advantages and pitfalls of high-speed shooting. Train in the tactics that will keep you alive in ambushes or urban battlefields. Learn who shoots first in a standoff!
  • Over 20 new perks for realistic shooters. Now you can be Cool Under Fire, Sure-Footed, or the Fastest Gun in the West!
  • Nearly 20 techniques for firearm fans. Hone your Precision Aiming, become proficient in a Dual-Weapon Attack, or learn how to Work by Touch.
  • Six styles of gunfighting. Discover what you need to know to be a rifleman, sharpshooter, or shotgunner!
  • More than 40 new firearms! Information on new handguns, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, grenade launchers, and more.
  • New gear for gun enthusiasts. Expanding and augmenting the equipment from GURPS High-Tech with more than 30 new gun-related items and options, including tripods, slings, sights, and camouflage -- all designed to give the shooter a realistic advantage.
  • New ammo options. Learn how, where, and why you might want to use hollow-point, buckshot, match-grade, or subsonic ammunition.
  • And more! Find out what weapons are issued to some of the world's best militaries. Debunk the myth of "tin star armor." And learn why "gangsta shooting" is never a good idea!

Whether you're looking to ramp up the realism of your modern-day adventures, build and equip characters who are sharpshooting specialists, or arm the heroes (and villains!) with tactics and tricks to shift the odds, GURPS Tactical Shooting is loaded for bear!

88-page B&W softcover. Stock #01-6196, ISBN 978-1-55634-804-4. $19.95.

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Shipped October 24, 2011

Star Munchkin 2 – The Clown Wars (Reprint)

The Munchkins take to the stars -- again!

Star Munchkin took the rules-bending, power-gaming, dungeon-crawling insanity of the original Munchkin and put the whole thing in space, where the monsters are more alien, the weapons more zappy, and the treasure -- well, there's still piles of treasure. Now Star Munchkin 2 brings the epic saga of The Clown Wars to life, except with better acting . . . 

Strap on the Sprayser or X-Rayser and go ray-gunning for new monsters like the Nerds of Prey! Play a new race (the Bugs) or class (Space Ranger!), and do it all with Ralph, the Wonder Dog, by your side. This set also introduces a new card type: Rooms. Just open the door, and . . . "oh, noooooooooo . . .!"

The Clown Wars is a supplement; you will need  Star Munchkin to play. Or you could add it to a game of Munchkin (or any of the Munchkin family!) instead, or mix them all together for a Munchkin-fest of truly mind-bending proportions!

112 cards and rulesheet, in a box. Stock #1418, UPC 837654320433. $19.95.

Shipped October 24, 2011

Munchkin 5 – De-Ranged (Reprint)

More of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!

De-Ranged has everything you love about Munchkin, including:

  • A new Class! Rangers can tame monsters and ride them!
  • Treasure! Track down the Philosopher's Scone, put Racing Stripes on your Steed, and fill your Canteen of Spleen with Carbonated Holy Water!
  • Monsters! Beware the Telemarketer, the Poultrygeist, and the Undead Clowns.
  • And imported monsters! That's right - this set includes unique monsters created by the European Munchkin publishers, available for the first time in English. Quake in fear at the Brothers Grimm and the Snerks! Or just kill them and take their stuff. Your choice.

Now with full-color art!

Munchkin 5 – De-Ranged. All the munchkin-ism of a prestige class, with none of that annoying roleplaying stuff.

112 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1450, UPC 837654320662. $19.95.

Shipped October 10, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu 4 – Crazed Caverns (Reprint)

Subterranean Secrets!

The hunt for forbidden knowledge goes underground! Explore the Midden of the Mi-Go! Dig yourself out of the Dunwich Ditch! Brave the blue light of K'n-Yan! Maybe all at once . . .

Munchkin Cthulhu has already driven you mad, and now it's even madder! The 16 Portals and 20 Dungeons in Crazed Caverns open up whole new dimensions to explore . . . and we all know what a great idea that can be, right? What could go wrong?

This is an expansion for Munchkin Cthulhu. It is not a stand-alone game.

16 Door cards and 20 Dungeon cards, plus a rulesheet, in a tuckbox. Stock #1465, UPC 837654320518. $10.95.

Shipped October 10, 2011

Munchkin Boxes of Holding (Reprint)

Have you been going through half a dozen game boxes to dig out all your Munchkin cards? How about getting it down to two special card boxes? The Munchkin Boxes of Holding are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.

Bonus: The set includes two new Munchkin cards that aren't available anywhere else!

Two fold-up sturdy cardboard boxes and two cards. Stock #5518, UPC 837654320730. $9.99.

Shipped October 10, 2011

Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment (Reprint)

The eldritch secrets of Munchkin Cthulhu deserve a special hiding place! The Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.

Bonus: Two new Munchkin Cthulhu cards that are unique to this set!

Two fold-up sturdy cardboard boxes and two cards. Stock #5519, UPC 837654321119. $9.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped October 27, 2011

GURPS Social Engineering

Be More Social!

Since the dawn of time, humans have relied on social abilities to survive, thrive, and ensure the continuation of the species. However, these interactions have traditionally been addressed with far fewer rules than combat and other physical challenges. GURPS Social Engineering changes everything.

This supplement provides detailed rules for every type of common social interaction. Now it's easy to play a hero who's charming, deceptive, intimidating, or witty, even if you're not! In addition to an extensive overview on the possibilities of social interactions in a campaign, this supplement includes:

  • A detailed examination of Rank, Status, Reputation, and more, including new options and possibilities for each trait.
  • Systems for one-on-one interactions, including using Influence skills and social-perception abilities -- as well as both indirect and group interactions. Haggle in person, intimidate by phone, or orchestrate a group con!
  • An in-depth look at reaction rolls in GURPS, including commercial transactions, requests for aid, searching for people and things, and romance.
  • Details on deception -- learn how your hero can distract, lie, or assume a false identity . . . or spot such dishonesty.
  • Rules for building relationships, including details on how to establish trust and personal loyalty, and new options for Allies, Contacts, Dependents, and Patrons.
  • Extensive insight on organizations: how to find, infiltrate, and influence any type of group -- including your place of employment!
  • Rules for hostile organizations. Discover the mechanics behind arrest, imprisonment, brainwashing, and more.
  • Systems for influencing groups of people. Start rumors, influence the media, advertise, conduct psy ops, or get involved in politics!
  • Insight into more forceful measures, including intimidation, inciting a riot, taunting, and how to start -- or avoid -- a fight.

Whether you're shaking down a punk for information, tricking your way into a high-powered office, courting the governor's daughter, or performing a vital diplomatic function, GURPS Social Engineering has rules and tools you can use. It's a social world; become part of it!

88-page PDF. Stock #37-0140, $15.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped October 24, 2011

Eye-in-Pyramid Shot Glass

The warm glow you get after drinking from this shot glass may be Illumination. Or it may not be; it depends on what you're drinking . . .

The Eye-in-Pyramid Shot Glass features the classic symbol of illumination on a 1.5 oz black glass, perfect for [FNORD] across the [REDACTED] or taking [CENSORED] when you're [FORGETABOUTIT]. Or you could just drink out of it.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9016, $4.00.

Shipped October 24, 2011

Munchkin 10th Anniversary T-Shirt

Celebrate Munchkin's 10th anniversary in style! These limited-edition shirts are sturdy black cotton with "Munchkin 10" on the front, and the "10 Years of Munchkin 2001-2011" on the back, both in gold ink!

Official Rule

1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.

2. The autograph of either Steve Jackson or John Kovalic on the shirt gives you a once-per-game +10 combat bonus.

3. With both autographs, you may claim the +10 bonus twice per game, but not in the same combat.

4. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.

5. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 4 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)

6. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.

It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.

*On your torso. Right side out.

One T-shirt. Stock #9150, $20.00.

Shipped October 24, 2011

Munchkin Zombies T-Shirt

Every zombie knows that fashion is crucial -- no one wants to be caught wearing last year's hot outfits while you're stalking the living and eating their brains. Luckily, now you have the Munchkin Zombies T-Shirt in your wardrobe!

Official Rule

1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.

2. The autograph of Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, or John Kovalic on the shirt lets you treat one Power as Rank 0 per autograph. You may not change the Rank 0 Power(s) once selected.

3. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.

4. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 3 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)

5. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.

It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.

*On your torso. Right side out.

One T-shirt. Stock #9151, $20.00.

Shipped October 24, 2011

Give Me The Brain T-Shirt

"How may we serve you?"

With zombie art by Brian Snōddy imprinted in hot pink on classic black, the Give Me The Brain Shirt is great for game night . . . or for anyone who still has nightmares about what happened over by the deep fryer.

One T-shirt. Stock #9153, $20.00.

Shipped October 20, 2011

Zombie Dice T-Shirt


The undead are walking and they hunger for shiiiiiirts! This shirt has Alex Fernandez' zombie head on the front and the Zombie Dice logo on the back. You can indulge your fashion sense, terrify the living, and announce yourself to fellow players.

One T-shirt. Stock #9145, $20.00.

Shipped October 20, 2011

Cthulhu Dice T-Shirt

Not all cultists wear robes.

Today's fashionable cultist prefers T-shirts . . . just like this one. With "Game Over, Cthulhu Wins" on the front and the Cthulhu Dice logo on the back, everyone will know which side you're playing for . . . Cthulhu!

One T-shirt Stock #9146, $20.00.

Shipped October 20, 2011

Chibithulhu T-Shirt

Cute. Cuddly. Sanity-blasting.

And now it can be on your chest.

Chibithulhu is the cutest version of an Elder God you've ever seen. Who wouldn't want to be hugged by him? Printed in white on shocking pink, this shirt is adorable and eye-searingly visible.

One T-Shirt. Stock #9152, $20.00.

Shipped October 20, 2011

Pyramid #3/36: Dungeon Fantasy

Go Underground!

This crypt has been sealed for thousands of years. Do you dare disturb it? Of course! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- takes an in-depth look at dungeon fantasy, with a special emphasis on GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. This gateway to adventure leads you to:

  • "The Demolisher," an explosive new template written by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy architect Sean Punch. This dwarven hero relies on things that go BOOM to get the job done.
  • "Dungeon Saints," a look at how to bring the soul-searching system from GURPS Powers: Divine Favor into a Dungeon Fantasy campaign. If you think you don't have a prayer, think again!
  • "The Musketeer," written by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables author Matt Riggsby. This Dungeon Fantasy template is calm when looking at the barrel of a gun . . . mostly because he's the one holding it!
  • "The Horrific Dungeon," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. Look no further to give the creepy-crawlies to dungeon-crawlers!
  • "Powering Up: Imbuements," describing how to more fully bring GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements into a Dungeon Fantasy campaign. If you're looking for more power, here's a bright idea!
  • "Historically Rich Dungeons," a systemless look at how to make any dungeon crawl a trip through time.
  • "All Charged Up Over Magic Items," another offering from GURPS guru Sean Punch. This short piece will have you creating limited-use magic items in no time.

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a Murphy's Rules that will drive the ghouls crazy, and more. Pick up this issue and take home the best loot around!

37-page PDF. Stock #37-2636, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped October 13, 2011

In Nomine Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh

The Devil Made Me Do It . . .

Meet four Demon Princes who are helping evil keep up with the times. There is Andrealphus, the Prince of Lust, whose victims enjoy every minute of their corruption. Haagenti, the Prince of Gluttony, who consumes everything around him, including his rivals. Kobal, the Prince of Dark Humor, putting an ironic spin on the War between good and evil. And Nybbas, the Prince of the Media, filming the decay and debasement of mankind, and then selling it back to them, with commercials.

Within Superiors 2, GMs and players alike will find new and fascinating information on each of these Princes. Find out how they got where they are today, and where they hid the bodies. Discover what it is like to serve some of Hell's trendiest royalty. Visit Shal-Mari and Perdition, where demons and damned souls are entertained -- or become the entertainment.

Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh includes:

  • New attunements, Distinctions, and Rites for each Prince.
  • Rumors from the past and present, describing the Princes' great successes and major failures.
  • The Princes' alliances and rivalries . . . and dalliances.
  • Alternate versions of each Superior, to give GMs more flexibility in planning campaigns.
  • Detailed descriptions of what it is like to serve Lust, Gluttony, Dark Humor, and the Media.
  • Organizations that serve each Princes' Word.
  • Adventure seeds, set in the Marches, on Earth, and in the fires of Hell.

Bring your cameras, for there's lots to see. And bring your soul -- because these Princes don't take anything less . . .

147-page PDF. Stock #30-3321, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped October 6, 2011

Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100

Get a Kick Out of Tomorrow!

Sure, humanity may have evolved beyond the need for face-to-face contact -- but that doesn't mean we're not still interested in hand-to-hand combat! Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100 is your guide to bringing the power and possibilities of GURPS Martial Arts into the world of Transhuman Space. This two-fisted treatise includes:

  • A history and examination of martial arts in the 21st century, as self-defense, sport, art, and virtual-reality activities. Find out what's going on in "modern day" Transhuman Space as well as the recent "past."
  • Rules and guidelines for using GURPS Martial Arts with Transhuman Space -- including new techniques and rules for nonhuman physiology!
  • Over a dozen new styles, plus three styles derived from tomorrow's hit media!
  • Information on cutting-edge weapons, shields, and armor.
  • A look at the synapse-shaping software of the future. Get with the program!

The urge to brawl is hardwired into our bodies; why fight the system? With Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100, you'll fight the future with style!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-6713, $9.00.
Buy Now!

N O V E M B E R   2 0 1 1 

Shipped November 21, 2011

Cthulhu Dice (Sparkly Pink with White Ink)

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first!

Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and you're mad. The last sane cultist wins . . . unless everyone goes mad together. Then Cthulhu wins!

Cthulhu Dice plays in 5 to 10 minutes, and is fun for 2 to 6 players.

One large custom die, 18 glass marbles, baggie, and rules. Stock #131319, UPC 837654321355. $5.95.

Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice

The Sparkly Good Fairy is back!

This time, she's brought two pink sparkly Fairy Dust Dice and four brand new Fairy Dust cards. Mix them into your existing Fairy Dust deck, or use the rules inside to add them to ANY Munchkin game!

We liked these dice and cards too much to let them stay gone; you can find them in Munchkin Game Changers along with 60 other cool cards for your Munchkin game!

Two 16mm pink sparkly dice and four Munchkin Fairy Dust cards. Stock #5529, UPC 837654321270. $6.95.

Munchkin Jolly Jumbo d6 (red)

The Perfect Present!

As if a Christmas 25mm die with classic John Kovalic Munchkin art on them weren't cool enough, we're also giving you four new Munchkin cards (two Doors and two Treasures) in each package! What are you waiting for?

Available in three colors: red, green, and a Warehouse 23 exclusive: translucent blue with white ink (this one does not come with cards).

One 25 mm six-sided die and four cards in a blister pack. Stock #5536A, UPC 837654321126. $6.95.

Munchkin Jolly Jumbo d6 (green)

The Perfect Present!

As if a Christmas 25mm die with classic John Kovalic Munchkin art on them weren't cool enough, we're also giving you four new Munchkin cards (two Doors and two Treasures) in each package! What are you waiting for?

Available in three colors: red, green, and a Warehouse 23 exclusive: translucent blue with white ink (this one does not come with cards).

One 25 mm six-sided die and four cards in a blister pack. Stock #5536B, UPC 837654321133. $6.95.

Shipped November 7, 2011

Munchkin Reindeer Games (Booster Pack)

Those scary Reindeer are back! And they've brought new Santa monsters like Teeny Tiny Tim, Recalled Toys, and (eek!) Mrs. Claus. You know what you have to do. Kill them and take their stuff! Armor yourself in Tinsel, and grab the Snow Shoes and the Reindeer Hat. Celebrate Christmas the Munchkin way – with Reindeer Games!

This standalone set is out of print, but you can get the cards in Munchkin Holiday Surprise.

Finseal pack containing 15 cards. Stock #4220, UPC 837654321256. $4.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped November 23, 2011

GURPS WWII Classic: Hand of Steel

The Best of the Best!

Join the elite . . . the highly trained and battle-hardened special forces of World War II. From the first daring assaults by parachute and glider to the top-secret gadgetry of the war's end, Hand of Steel gives you:

  • The different types of special-forces mission, with historical examples.
  • Details on commando training and skill sets.
  • The weapons and exotic tools favored by commando troops.
  • Additional rules for parachuting and silenced weapons, useful for any WWII-era campaign.
  • Data on many different special-forces units.

GURPS WWII: Hand of Steel lets you confront the enemy on his own ground . . . when he least expects it.

Do you have what it takes?

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

35-page PDF. Stock #30-8002, $4.00.
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Shipped November 21, 2011

Munchkin Jumbo d6 (Sparkly Pink)

Bigger Is Better . . . and Sparklier!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are Warehouse 23 exclusives! The set includes two jumbo sparkly pink dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Note: Six other sets, in six different colors, were released in the summer of 2011. They are NOT W23 exclusives, but they DO come with a unique pair of new Treasure cards (one each for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest) to keep you rolling those dice! But these sparklies do not come with cards. You have to love them for their own sparkly sakes.

Two 25 mm six-sided dice. Stock #5523H, $6.00.
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Shipped November 21, 2011

Munchkin Jolly Jumbo d6 (blue)

The Perfect Present!

As if a Christmas 25mm die with classic John Kovalic Munchkin art on them weren't cool enough, we're also giving you four new Munchkin cards (two Doors and two Treasures) in each package! What are you waiting for?

Available in three colors: red, green, and a Warehouse 23 exclusive: translucent blue with white ink (this one does not come with cards).

One 25 mm six-sided die. Stock #5536C, $4.00.

Shipped November 21, 2011

Munchkin Dice Bag

Be the despair of your gaming group with the Munchkin Dice Bag, an awesome item with an awesome bonus (and the rule is printed right on the back). Fill it with official Munchkin six-sided dice and watch your friends groan in frustration as your Munchkin-head results turn failure into success.

*Note: The Warehouse 23 exclusive pink Munchkin Dice Bag does not include the cards that come in the regular tan version.

Zippered dice bag. Stock #5539, $8.00.

Shipped November 21, 2011

Pyramid Dice

Sparkly Pink Pyramid Dice are a new take on an old classic. They're bubblegum pink six-siders with iridescent glitter inside. The pips are marked in white. The eye-in-the-pyramid logo replaces the single pip to Illuminate your dice. Win or lose, you'll look good in sparkly pink!

One die. Stock #5901B, $1.00.

Shipped November 21, 2011

Cthulhu Shot Glass

Cthulhu Dice is not a drinking game . . . but you can drink in style with the Cthulhu Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz shot glasses feature various colors and great Cthulhu staring at you from the side of the glass. Buy one for yourself and make your friends wonder what you're drinking, or buy a set for your next party so that everyone can go mad together.

One 1.5 oz shot glass. Stock #9014E, $3.00.

Shipped November 21, 2011

Cthulhu Bandz

Proudly show your loss of sanity by wearing the hideous Cthulhu Bandz. These unspeakable accessories were originally created for Giant Cthulhu Dice. Hand them out to your favorite cultists, or wear them all yourself on a wrist, ankle, or tentacle.

Cthulhu Bandz are available in yellow, purple, dark red, dark green, and black. But only a complete maniac would wear them all!

18 silly bands. Stock #9015#, $3.00.

Shipped November 21, 2011

Awful Green Things T-Shirt

It's Green, it's Awful, and it's a Thing . . . on a shirt.

The Awful Green Things T-Shirt was designed as the official off-duty wear for the crew of the starship Znutar. It's the exact color of Zgwortz, so stains won't show. It has a big picture of an Awful Green Thing, so crew members won't accidentally mistake each other for monsters. That last part didn't quite work out as intended, which is why these shirts are now available to you as high-quality Peace Force Surplus.

One T-Shirt. Stock #9156, $20.00.

Shipped November 17, 2011

Pyramid #3/37: Tech and Toys II

From Gear to Eternity!

Tomorrow is sooner than you think; it's time to augment your reality! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- turns its laser-like focus on futuristic technology and gear. The packing list for this issue includes:

  • "Starmaker, Starbreaker," a planet-molding marvel that's perfectly helpful and benign, with just a teensy chance that it might prove to be an uncontrollable, star-destroying super-weapon. This systemless article presents information on the device, its secrets, and place in the campaign.
  • "Blaster and Laser Design," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. Make your own GURPS Ultra-Tech-style weapons with just a pencil, paper, and perhaps some light-focusing harmonic crystals.
  • "Thinking Machines," a set of variant rules that add more details, choices, and possibilities to computers in GURPS. It's the greatest optional computer upgrade since lowercase letters!
  • "More Ultra-Tech Guns and Heavy Weapons," an assortment of more than two dozen additional futuristic weapons to beef up your GURPS Ultra-Tech arsenal.
  • "Mr. Fixit," an expansion of the GURPS Basic Set rules for impromptu repairs. Written by Matt Riggsby (author of GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality), these rules will have you scrounging for duct tape and pulling out your pen knife -- in triumph!
  • "Future Home Tech," a collection of additional GURPS Ultra-Tech devices useful around your sci-fi domicile. The future is here; make yourself comfy.
  • "The Killer Cleanbot," a useful bit of technology -- complete with GURPS stats -- written by Michele Armellini (author of GURPS WWII: Their Finest Hour). Sure, this device might prove too efficient . . . but at least you'll never worry about housework again!

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a Murphy's Rules that drives to distraction, and more. Get Pyramid and gear up!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2637, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped November 10, 2011

GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents

There Is No Substitute for Talent

Training is good, but being a "natural" is better! GURPS Fourth Edition brings this real-life adage to the gaming table with Talents – advantages that improve groups of related skills and make them easier to learn. But so many Talents appear in so many GURPS supplements that choosing among them can involve tiresome amounts of page-flipping. GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents solves this problem by collecting all the "official" Talents in one place, noting their point costs, skill lists, and reaction modifiers – and their original sources, for campaigns that use only certain GURPS supplements.

Power-Ups 3: Talents is more than a catalog, though. It offers clarifications on what counts as a unique skill for Talent purposes, how Talents interact with defaults, and how to include combat skills in Talents without breaking the game. Also, it proposes many entirely new optional rules for Talents, such as:

  • Alternative Benefits. Replace the reaction bonuses granted by Talents with a wide range of other possibilities.
  • Anti-Talents. Flip Talents on their head for characters who suffer from broad-based incompetence.
  • Extended Talents. Crank Talent up to 11 . . . for times when four levels just aren't enough.
  • Learning Talents. Develop your Talent in play.
  • Smooth Talent Cost. Price Talents more precisely, whether to curb abuse or to encourage use.
  • Talents as Training. Adapt Talents to work as intensive training instead of as natural gifts.

If you like Talents, then you'll love all the examples and options that Power-Ups 3: Talents provides!

Power-Ups 3: Talents requires only the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition.

28-page PDF. Stock #37-0141, $7.00.
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Shipped November 7, 2011

Giant Cthulhu Dice

Everybody loved the giant foam Cthulhu Dice set that we made for convention demos! They begged and pleaded. It was driving us mad. Mad, I tell you!

So we gave in and made enough for everybody.

It's a 4" foam 12-sided die, with tentacles, Elder Signs, and Great Cthulhu himself. It's SQUISHY!

Giant Cthulhu Dice comes in four different colors. Instead of the glass beads that the original set used for Sanity, Giant Cthulhu Dice includes 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Great Cthulhu himself! Put them on your wrist, or your tentacle, or wherever you want. Go crazy!

It's perfect for outdoors or for waiting in line. Keep Giant Cthulhu Dice in your backpack and drive your friends mad outdoors, waiting in line . . . It even floats, not that there's any way you can tell which side is up in the pool. But don't let that stop you!

A 4" foam 12-sided die and 18 "silly bands" in the shape of Cthulhu, packaged in a plastic bag with cardboard header. Stock #131317E, $19.95.

Shipped November 7, 2011

Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster 2011

This set is out of print now, but you can find these cards (except for the Marvelous Magenta Moat, which is a weird size) in Munchkin Hidden Treasures.

Last year's Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster was so popular, we're doing it again . . . only bigger! Please enjoy the following new cards:

  • For Munchkin: Bull-Headed, Chest of Draw-ers, Curse! Zombification, Djinn in Tonic, Hog Steed, The King, Pumped-Up, Ranger Hireling, and Reap the Whirlwind
  • For Munchkin Bites!: Great Caesar's Ghost and Refulgence
  • For Munchkin Zombies: John of the Dead
  • For Munchkin Impossible: Kamikatze
  • For Munchkin Booty: Ketch-23 and Sailor's Yarn
  • For Star Munchkin: Meteor Shower
  • And for any Munchkin at all . . . The Marvelous Magenta Moat!

17 cards in a ziplock bag. Stock #4228, $5.00.

Shipped November 3, 2011

Munchkin 10th Anniversary Poster

Only 125 will be sold!

Show your Munchkin love with the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Poster! Shipped rolled and suitable for framing . . . and signed by Munchkin designer Steve Jackson, Munchkin artist John Kovalic, and Munchkin Czar Andrew Hackard!

An amazing gift for the Munchkin fan in your life.

One poster. Stock #5330, $30.00.

Shipped November 3, 2011

Car Wars City Blocks 4

Leap to Action!

Car Wars City Blocks 4 -- 3-D Arena! This set lets you build an arena up to a 32" × 24" and fill it with three-dimensional ramps, bunkers, and overpasses. Or combine it with City Blocks 3 -- Arena and use the extra inner and outer corners to make bigger, more elaborate layouts -- up to a 72" × 40" arena!

36-page PDF. Stock #30-7141, $5.00.
Buy Now!

D E C E M B E R   2 0 1 1 

W 2 3 

Shipped December 15, 2011

In Nomine Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy

Take The Long View . . .

Work in the present to create the future.

Herein find four Archangels who are more concerned with the future than the present. Meet Gabriel, Archangel of Fire, living in her self-imposed seclusion, searing mortal minds with divine inspiration. Khalid, the newly-returned Archangel of Faith, certain his cause is right yet unsure of his place in Heaven. Blandine, Archangel of Dreams, who has forsaken the councils of angels to explore the mysterious Marches. And Yves, the enigmatic Archangel of Destiny, who knows the potential for good in mortals and celestials alike.

Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy includes:

  • New attunements, Distinctions, and Rites for each Archangel.
  • The Truth about each Superior . . . explained by both friends and enemies.
  • The duties and organization of the Servitors of Fire, Faith, Dreams, and Destiny.
  • How each Archangel interacts with his peers, both in Heaven and in the Realms Below.
  • Alternate versions of each Superior for non-canon campaigning.
  • Adventure seeds, from the most glorious cities of Heaven to the most squalid slums of Earth.

147-page PDF. Stock #30-3322, $9.00.
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Shipped December 15, 2011

Transhuman Space Classic: Orbital Decay

Vandegrift Station, a top-secret orbital research lab, has suddenly stopped all transmissions. Why has the station gone silent? Where did all the bio-tech researchers go?

What's that clawing at the airlock?

Transhuman Space: Orbital Decay includes maps and stats of a typical orbital facility, character descriptions, and an adventure for up to six 200-point Transhuman Space characters, either biological or cybershell.

(This is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

36-page PDF. Stock #30-6705, $4.00.
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Shipped December 15, 2011

GURPS WWII Classic: Return to Honor

Tragédie Et Courage!

Experience the agony of 1940 and the exultation of 1945 with the rest of war-torn France in GURPS WWII: Return to Honor! From the proud Free French to dark Vichy henchmen, inside you'll find:

  • The war as it impacted France, tearing apart society as well as the national borders.
  • French fighting forces, from the 1940 army that met defeat to the Vichy and Free French units that replaced it, and many more.
  • The history, networks, and goals of the underground Resistance.
  • French weaponry, from the most formidable tank of the early war to the most sophisticated auto.
  • Campaign notes for a variety of French experiences, from the Foreign Legion to the furtive dealings of the Resistance.

A divided country awaits rescue from its savage occupier. Are you gallant enough to take up the cause?

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

51-page PDF. Stock #30-8004, $4.00.
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Shipped December 15, 2011

GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor

The Best Defense

Every low-tech fighter (and every gamer!) knows that the secret to surviving slings and arrows -- not to mention swords, musket balls, and dragon bites -- is a good suit of armor. GURPS Low-Tech and GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors deliver handsomely in that department . . . but it can take a lot of number-juggling to get costs and weights for the bits you want, and some page-flipping to find the options you desire. GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor offers defenses against both these annoyances and battlefield dangers.

The heart of the work is a complete set of armor tables for torso, arm, leg, head, neck, hand, and foot armor; for sub-locations like the abdomen, groin, and bits of the arms and legs; and for five helmet patterns. Each table lists only the armor materials that suit the body part in question, and adjusts TL when a material is available earlier or later than usual in that role. Every piece of armor comes with DR, cost, and weight, as well as the realistic time needed to don it and a Holdout penalty that accounts for DR, flexibility, and design.

But that's not all! You also get:

  • Materials and Modifications Tables. Handy summaries that let you quickly determine the options available at your TL, how they affect cost, and how they adjust the stats in the armor tables.
  • Helmet Designs. Ready-to-use examples of complicated historical headgear, illustrating how the system can be used to create some classic helmets.
  • Optional Rules. Answers to a variety of questions, from "How much does it cost to armor only my vitals?" to "Can I sleep in armor?"

If you've ever been frustrated trying to armor your TL0-4 warriors, then Low-Tech: Instant Armor is for you!

Low-Tech: Instant Armor is a supplement to GURPS Low-Tech, but the armor stats within would be useful in any TL0-4 GURPS campaign.

21-page PDF. Stock #37-1666, $7.00.
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Shipped December 15, 2011

Pyramid #3/38: The Power of Myth

Absconded from the Heavens, Delivered unto You!

From the dawn of civilization to the gaming tables of today, this month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- draws upon the "Power of Myth" for inspiration. When they speak of this issue's contents generations from now, they will be sure to mention:

  • "The Golden Geniza of Ezkali," an exciting adventure outline for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. Written by Matt Riggsby (author of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables), this legendary locale includes four traps that revolve around a real-world conundrum faced when deciphering ancient tales. It comes with a map for each room, plus an HTML game aid to help make life easier for the GM.
  • "Seven Mythical Artifacts for Dungeon Fantasy," which harnesses the legends of old and turns them into awesome loot for crypt-crawling GURPS heroes. Learn the secrets of Aegis, the Golden Fleece, the Helm of Hades, and more!
  • "Baba Yaga," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Fourth Edition co-author David Pulver. David offers his unique take on this powerful witch (complete with GURPS stats). It also presents stats on her legendary hut -- using GURPS Spaceships!
  • "The Bear Myth," a look at a surprisingly common trope that unifies a large number of cultures. Awaken from your torpor and learn its secrets.
  • "Babylon Rising," a systemless modern-day urban-fantasy campaign outline that starts with war in the Middle East and moves to the Mesopotamian gods walking the Earth. How it ends is up to you . . . This setting can work alone or in conjunction with "The New Kingdom" from Pyramid #3/7: Urban Fantasy.
  • "Art of Prophecy," a look at reading the future and those who try. If you are touched by such gifts, you already know how useful this article is . . .

This Pyramid also presents Steven Marsh's Random Thought Table, a Murphy's Rules that's fuzzy on the details, and more. With Pyramid, the power is in your hands!

39-page PDF. Stock #37-2638, $9.00.
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Shipped December 8, 2011

GURPS Classic: Shapeshifters

Looking for a Change?

Moon-linked curses. Shape-stealing aliens. Strange gifts and genetic quirks passed down through your bloodline. Ancestral curses. Cute little critters that gladly turn into the latest technotoy and back again. Chameleonic spies. Body-morphing symbionts. Doppelgängers.

They're all shapeshifters . . .

In GURPS Shapeshifters, GMs and players will find all they need to build creatures that change their bodies as easily as most people change their clothes. Character-creation rules, campaign guidelines, and sample shifters of every shape and size -- they're all here. Drop a Cinematic Werewolf into your game, or craft a mysterious alien species that is far more than it seems.

Also included are suggestions on incorporating shapeshifting creatures into a new or existing campaign and examples of fully fleshed-out shifters -- races and individuals, cursed and gifted.

Your campaign will never look the same again!

(This is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6533, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped December 1, 2011

GURPS Traveller Classic: Sword Worlds

The Day After Ragnarok

The Sword Worlds stand at the border of the Third Imperium, a small but proud civilization descended from ancient Terran migrants. Their inhabitants have spent centuries fighting for independence - from the Imperium, from the other great empires, even from each other.

A decade ago, the Sword Worlds went to war against the Third Imperium. They lost. Today, the Sword Worlders are in search of a new destiny, in a universe where their fierce pride seems headed for an inevitable fall.

GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds brings this unique culture to life for the player and GM. Every world in the area is described in detail, as are local history, social features, special technologies, and important people. A wealth of adventure seeds gives the GM plenty of starting points, for any campaign set in this distinctive region of the Traveller setting.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

147-page PDF. Stock #30-6631, $9.99.

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