Daily Illuminator Archive for November 2022
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November 1, 2022:
The holiday season is coming in fast, which means that it is time for all of us start planning gifts for our friends and loved ones. If your shopping list includes roleplaying game fans, even someone who only has experience with the ever-present Dungeons & Dragons, then our GURPS On Demand series can help with your decision . . .
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November 2, 2022:
FnordCon 6 is coming, and you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home! This is an online convention, held mostly on our Discord but slopping over to Twitch and Tabletop Simulator for a few events . . .
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November 3, 2022:
Kickstarter continues to be an invaluable tool in today's world. The ability to better manage inventory, by determining demand before printing, is greatly helping us seek a steady footing in the market . . .
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November 4, 2022:
Nightmare Fuel, the latest crowdfunding effort for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, is coming to a close at 5 p.m. Central Time on November 6, 2022 . . .
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November 5, 2022:
Our European friends can skip this article, of course. But Americans are not taught the metric system in any proper way, and misunderstandings happen . . .
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November 6, 2022:
If you're a last-minute-shopping sort, then beware: We're rapidly approaching the witching hour for the GURPS Horror Bundle of Holding. Monday, November 7, is the final opportunity for you to get this bundle . . .
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November 7, 2022:
The Tremendous Tome project not only made its goal, but hit its first extra-pages stretch goal! If you haven't picked up this book yet, go support it! . . .
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November 8, 2022:
For those of you in need of a new t-shirt or two, we can now happily report that we've brought back a number of older designs. Available at our Redbubble shop, the designs include classic Munchkin shirts, work by Phil Foglio, and even a few different eye-in-the-pyramid shirts.
We continue to expand our shirt offerings and will post more designs as we have time . . .
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November 9, 2022:
What's that, lurking in the shadows? It's GURPS Combat Cards, returning to make your GURPS game faster than ever, thanks to DriveThruCards' print-on-demand service! . . .
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November 10, 2022:
The moon has set on the Witchstarter event over on Kickstarter, and with that, the Munchkin Witches project also comes to a close this afternoon. There's still time to back (if you're reading this post on the day it was posted!), so if you haven't checked out the project, you should do that right now! . . .
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November 11, 2022:
Attention FnordCon attendees: Today is the day! FnordCon 6 starts today at 6pm Central time . . .
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November 12, 2022:
Autoduellists, prepare for destruction! Thanks to the success of our Pocket Box Kickstarter campaign a few years ago, we have several classic Car Wars games and expansions available right now at Warehouse 23 and Amazon.com . . .
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November 13, 2022:
Would you like to receive information on new games, special events, and important news? Subscribe to our newsletter and you will start receiving a few emails every month where we highlight the latest games and expansions, and (at times) direct you to our crowdfunding campaigns. The newsletter is just one way to stay in touch with us . . .
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November 14, 2022:
FnordCon 6 has ended, and we had an absolute blast playing games, sharing a few secrets, and playtesting. Our Discord was jumping with activity!
We moved the popular "What's New" to Saturday as the close, which garnered some really great feedback . . .
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November 15, 2022:
Even amid global uncertainty in distribution and production – and the vagaries of the gaming biz – we've been working to keep games available via a variety of venues in order to increase the chances you can get the ones you want when you want them. Our latest offering is Super Kitty Bug Slap – the fast-paced game of cute cards and quick reactions – now ready to order via DriveThruCards' print-on-demand service . . .
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November 16, 2022:
Hot on the heels of recent Car Wars Sixth Edition retail releases, Car Wars Miniatures Set 3 and Set 4 are now hitting the shelves at your favorite local game store! These miniature packs not only add more physical cars, but tons of new cards to customize them for the next duel. Set 3 features Brimstone, Stiletto, Aristocrat, Avalanche, and Jackal, five cars with enough guns to take out a bunker. Set 4 adds Sawtooth, Conestoga, Shuriken, Fuzion, and Kodiak to your garage, ready to unleash carnage on your opponents . . .
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November 17, 2022:
Thanks to the generous support of Kickstarter backers, we have several adventures for GMs to choose from for their next session of The Fantasy Trip.
Adventures – This hardcover includes five different adventures as well as new counters, new cards, and two folders to store your notes.
Adventures 2 – A second hardcover collection packed with five adventures and new counters.
Quick Quests – So far, we've released seven different titles in this series of micro-adventures, with an eighth on the way and more in progress. Each adventure is a small-scale event, and GMs may use them in any order they wish, dropping them into the campaign wherever they best fit . . .
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November 18, 2022:
All hands on deck for the latest GURPS historical showcase! GURPS Vehicles: War Galleys is your guide to oared warships from across history. This aquatic arsenal includes a naval history of the era's tech, GURPS vehicle stats for 30+ watercraft, stats for dozens of crew members, and optional rules to make these vessels come to life in battle . . .
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November 19, 2022:
We regularly ship new games, expansions, and accessories to our distributor partners who then handle supplying those titles to game stores across the world. Local game stores, ranging in size from one-person operations to small chains of retail spaces, are vital to the success of our games . . . and we want to make sure that your favorite local game store is listed in our online store finder . . .
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November 20, 2022:
It is taking some time to work through all of the necessary tasks, but we're slowly building our catalog of print-on-demand books at DrivethruRPG. By adding more print-on-demand books at the site, in addition to the GURPS On Demand titles listed at Amazon, we make it even easier to add print books to your collection.
Although print-on-demand books may not equal the quality of high-end offset works, the quality is far superior to what we saw in print-on-demand books from a decade or two ago . . .
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November 21, 2022:
For over a decade now, the Munchkin episode of Wil Wheaton's fabulous Tabletop series has been one of the best introductions to Munchkin. With close to four million views, we know that many of you were first introduced to Munchkin thanks to this video, and we're happy to see it still online and collecting views long after it first hit YouTube . . .
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November 22, 2022:
Three Ravens Publishing will create a series of novels in the Car Wars setting, with the first one set to release in early 2023. Three Ravens is the award-winning publisher of the bestselling "It Came from the Trailer Park" anthologies, as well as a variety of fantasy and SF titles . . .
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November 23, 2022:
Our semi-regular Dice Store is back, and we're ready to roll with lots of brand-new dice! New additions to the store include the highly anticipated Elder Futhark Die and Bad Luck Die, along with a full range of polyhedral dice . . .
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November 24, 2022:
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you get your fill of food, friends, and family, and hopefully a few games . . .
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November 25, 2022:
We talk about customizing vehicles in Car Wars Sixth Edition a lot, and the one comment we receive the most is that players want to customize the minis. And not just for our games, but other car combat games . . .
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November 26, 2022:
We all understand that Frodo, his spirit wounded by the One Ring he carried, made a poor moral choice when the time came to dispose of the deadly bauble, and if not for the faithful Sam Gamgee things might have gone very differently. So, suppose Sam had simply followed his master's lead? . . .
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November 27, 2022:
First released in 2019, the 19mm six-sided die design included in the Cthulhu d6 Dice Set pre-dates the official release by several years. We created the steel tooling for this design all the way back in 2012/2013 when we were hard at work on the Ogre Designer's Edition . . .
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November 28, 2022:
For those of you who enjoy building with interlocking bricks and have a passion for dice, our upcoming Brick d6 Dice Set may catch your eye. With a brick design on each of the die's six faces, these new 16mm six-sided dice are sure to pop when you roll them in front of your friends . . .
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November 29, 2022:
First published in 2010, Zombie Dice has been one of our top sellers for well over a decade. The game started out during walks through Madison and went through a number of versions before Steve finalized the design of the game as you know it today . . .
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November 30, 2022:
Some of you have been asking whether we are still moving forward with the Squarescape project. You bet we are . . .
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