Daily Illuminator Archive for November 2008
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November 1, 2008:
Duncan Wright is leaving the Warehouse 23 staff, moving onward and upward. He will be missed, and he leaves behind him an immediate opening in our Austin warehouse. This is a full-time, entry-level position. Among other duties, the Warehouse 23 clerk is responsible for picking and shipping orders, customer service, and maintaining our website . . .
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November 2, 2008:
We’re not sure what a "crad" is, either. But 56 of them will fit into a little tiny box . . .
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November 3, 2008:
The darkness lurks, waiting, under the sea. It hides in riverbeds and lakes, judging its victims . . .
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November 4, 2008:
The following items were received into the warehouse, and have been shipped off to various distributors. Your friendly local game store should be seeing them any day now!
Munchkin 7 - More Good Cards
You Asked for It! . . .
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November 5, 2008:
Just before taking off for Essen, I spent a half-day at the Maker Faire in Austin. It was fun; I'll go again next year . . .
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November 6, 2008:
As announced earlier this week, and can be seen here, Munchkin Quest has arrived both in our warehouse and in Warehouse 23. As terrifying and painful as the process was at times -- and believe me, it was painful -- the end result is very fulfilling . . .
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November 7, 2008:
This year, Pyramid turned 15 years old. When it started in 1993, Pyramid was a bimonthly print magazine . . .
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November 8, 2008:
We've sold out of our first shipment of Munchkin Quest. All 15,000 copies have arrived, been counted, and were shipped right back out to distributors and retailers . . .
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November 9, 2008:
Have we mentioned that we'll be at BoardGameGeekCon this month? Seems like we have, but the mists of time occlude my vision. (Yes, you mentioned it back in May . . .
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November 10, 2008:
Nothing to do with the California gold rush of 1849, but GURPS Thaumatology: Age of Gold does sparkle. Written by the author of GURPS Thaumatology (now shipping!), Age of Gold is a campaign setting filled with pulp alchemists, cowled crime fighters, and two-fisted men of adventure, with strange magics and their wielders roaming the shadows . . .
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November 11, 2008:
Munchkin Quest has rooms, and doors, and monsters, and gold, and all kind of STUFF. We created it as a game, but we realize now it's a high-quality Dungeon Crawl Kit . . .
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November 12, 2008:
One main battery: $87 bazillion. Two secondaries: $37 zillion . . .
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November 13, 2008:
If you've ever wondered "just who are all these people, anyway?" then we've got a treat for you. Our brand-new Staff Profiles page gives you a peek into the personal tastes and backgrounds of those fine folks who put together the games you enjoy . . .
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November 14, 2008:
We are closing in on a final schedule for 2009, and Ogre 6th Edition is not on it. This makes me very unhappy, but I agree with the decision . . .
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November 15, 2008:
A semi-common question from those who have seen Chibithulhu has been "Where did you get those?"
The surprising answer: Our orchard, seen here. The green Chibithulhu crop was great, and the fruits are available through friendly local game stores everywhere . . .
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November 16, 2008:
Frag Gold Edition
Game starts. Enemy in sight . . . . .
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November 17, 2008:
Last week, the digital shelves of e23 saw not one, but two giant-sized releases. First, Fantasy Set 8 - Giants from the Cardboard Heroes series features . . . you guessed it: giants! 15 towering humanoids to fee your foe fum, if you will . . .
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November 18, 2008:
Want an early Christmas present? We're auctioning off our proof copy of the Christmas Chibithulhu . . .
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November 19, 2008:
Yep, we've joined the 21st century and opened a Twitter account. You can see the feed on our front page, right between the Warehouse 23 news and the search box . . .
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November 20, 2008:
This week was what we in the industry call "the street date" for Munchkin Quest. That's the day when, if everything goes right, all retailers should have the game on their shelves . . .
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November 21, 2008:
As foretold by our Daily Illuminator announcement from November 7, the old version of Pyramid has closed its doors. Although it was a decision mandated by fiscal reality, it was no less difficult to say good-bye to the decade-old format . . .
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November 22, 2008:
By the time you read this, we'll be hip deep in the Mecca of boardgaming -- BoardGameGeekCon, organized by the founders of BoardGameGeek.com. We'll be rolling dice and moving meeples with the hardest of the hardcore gamers . . .
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November 23, 2008:
Ever played one of those games where you try to out-Google each other, coming up with a word combination that appears most often in a search engine? . . .
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November 24, 2008:
Of the games that we've sold out of in the last few years, SPANC has to be one of the most requested reprints. And since we love Phil Foglio's catgirls as much as the next guy . . . . .
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November 25, 2008:
That's a glow-in-the-dark Munchkin Quest pawn. It does, indeed, glow in the dark . . .
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November 26, 2008:
Beneath the trees, where nobody sees, they'll hide and seek as long as they please. Today? . . .
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November 27, 2008:
In the finest of retail traditions, Warehouse 23 is discounting everything in the store by 10% for Black Friday – and the whole weekend! That’s right, between now and 9am (CST) on December 1, 2008, everything in Warehouse 23 has been marked down! . . .
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November 28, 2008:
Last weekend was BoardGameGeekCon, and we got back to Austin late Sunday night. I can safely say I've never been to an event like it before, but I'm looking forward to doing it again, next year . . .
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November 29, 2008:
The Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game, several years in the making, has been the focus of a lot of work over the past few weeks as we work on the final stages of layout. In fact, we're so close to done that the bibliography is now online . . .
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November 30, 2008:
The Christmas Chibithulhus are on their way, and should hit Warehouse 23 next week . . .
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