2012 Silver ENnie Award for Best Supplement
2012 Silver ENnie Award for Best Writing

Written by Kenneth Hite
Edited by Sean Punch
Cover art by Christopher Shy and Michael Whelan
Illustrated by Alex Fernandez, Igor Fiorentini, Bob Stevlic, and Jacob Walker
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
176 black-and-white pages. Hardcover.
Suggested Retail Price $29.95
Stock number 01-1003
ISBN 978-1-55634-803-7
Available Now – click here to order!
178 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $24.95
Stock number 01-6013
ISBN 978-1-55634-823-5
Available Now at – Amazon
178 pages. PDF.
Price $20.00
Stock number 31-1003
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It's back . . . and the fear has grown!
GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror master Kenneth Hite. Its time-tested advice on running scary campaigns has been expanded to include current trends and tropes, showing you how to run everything from old-fashioned Gothic and supernatural horror to the latest J-horror, survival horror, and torture horror. The famous bibliography of unspeakable tomes and frightening films has grown to match. And the monsters return with unpleasant friends, as monsters inevitably do – all with GURPS Fourth Edition racial templates that let you use them as foes, as sinister Allies and cursed Alternate Forms, and even as PCs! Add the new and disturbing powers, the expanded rules for madness and corruption, and countless other updates, and you have everything you need to drag your horror campaign screaming into the 21st century.

- What's that groaning, shuffling noise that grows closer . . . ever closer? Unleash the horror of zombie hordes, with GURPS Zombies.
- Explore a complete campaign setting that pits humanity against the horrific irruptors gnawing at the edge of reality, with GURPS Horror: Madness Dossier.
- Discover an adventure where art is is life (or is it?), with GURPS Horror: Beyond the Pale.
- Rules for variant forms of magic – many suitable for horror campaigns – can be found in GURPS Thaumatology.
- Let your eyes adjust to the dark; the shadows teem with threats. The GURPS Creatures of the Night series contains more awful terrors, waiting to be uncovered.
- For those who want to strike back against the forces of darkness, the GURPS Monster Hunters series will prove invaluable, as should GURPS Loadouts: Monster Hunters.
- Travel to alternate Earths teeming with terror, with GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Horror.
- For strange and terrifying objects you can add to any Horror campaign, check out Pyramid #3/81: Horrific Creations.
- Investigate a strange tale where nothing is as it seems, in the adventure "The Disappearance of Father Cohen" from Pyramid #3/84: Perspectives.
- Unleash additional zombies and zombie-related ideas – including playable zombies who have free will, from GURPS Zombies author Sean Punch – with Pyramid #3/92: Zombies.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

- The complete bibliography is online, with links to every referenced book, movie, etc., that's available through Amazon. (Yes, if you buy from one of these links, Amazon pays a percentage to SJ Games!)
- For more bibliographies of GURPS books, check out our GURPS Bibliographies page.

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