Daily Illuminator

December 31, 2023: Hello, 2024!

It's been . . .  A. Year. Hasn't it, SJG Community?

First off, I want to thank the wonderful staff at Steve Jackson Games, and all of you who play our games, for welcoming me to the company. We, and I mean I, simply couldn't do this without the support of the folks who really believe in Steve, Steve Jackson Games, and all the crazy and fantastical games we make.

I know when news broke that I would be stepping into the role of CEO, a lot of industry veterans and long-time fans of the company were simply WTF?! I'm a relative outsider, if you only go by what the Internet says about me, and there was a lot of trepidation about what impact I would have on Steve Jackson Games as a whole.

I can't say I have run things flawlessly, but I can say I am proud of the things we have accomplished since I came aboard in April. Most of it has been internal company structure and procedure. One of the biggest behind-the-scenes tasks was getting us to a place where we can really plan ahead and look forward to not just the next game, but the next year, two years, and beyond.

Last month we released our 2024 schedule. We are now working on our 2025 and 2026 offerings, and, well . . . I wish I could tease what we have in store! I promise you, it's gonna be rad.

My plans for 2024 are to continue with a lot of the behind-the-scenes work, stuff you may never really see, but I promise the effects will be felt throughout everything we do. And they will have a positive impact.

One thing I am excited to talk about, which is a completely internal thing, is our Winter Summit. The collective SJG staff will descend upon our Austin offices and spend a week working on all those new games for '25/'26. It's wonderful that we can work virtually from the comfort of our own homes, and that is something I am committed to. However, I know it's equally important to get people together in the same room and just jam. Good ideas can come from the smallest of conversations – and a whole week dedicated to design and development should generate some Really Great Ideas.

And with that, it's time I got back to wrapping up my work for 2023, making some pies for the office Game Day/Holiday Party, and maybe, just maybe, taking a day off!

See you all in 2024!

-- Meredith Placko

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