Daily Illuminator Archive for April 2019
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April 1, 2019:
Thanks to the success of The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition, Ogre Battlefields, and the many Pocket Box titles on Kickstarter, we've decided to revive a classic Steve Jackson Games accessory: Bag of Bags! Out-of-print for decades, the Bag of Bags accessory is now on Kickstarter and needs your support . . .
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April 2, 2019:
You should already be checking our New Releases page. This is where we list upcoming games, expansions, and accessories, and we usually have info posted online two to three months before a new title is scheduled to appear in stores . . .
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April 3, 2019:
You may have heard that we're currently running a Kickstarter for three new Munchkin mini-expansions. (If not, where HAVE you been? . . .
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April 4, 2019:
Simon's Cat Card Game remains a strong seller in our catalog, coming in as a Top 20 title for 2018 with thousands sold over the past year . . .
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April 5, 2019:
The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition is set to reach stores later this month, with Kickstarter backers in the U.S. already receiving their copies and the international shipments in progress. The response to the game has been phenomenal, with lots of unboxing pics and Facebook and forum comments, and even a number of videos showing off the insides of the box . . .
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April 6, 2019:
On Monday, April 8, we will close preorders for the first issue of our new zine for use with The Fantasy Trip, Hexagram, and then place the final print order. We'll print a few extra copies of the zine, but the best way to guarantee that you get a copy – a great companion to the new Legacy Edition box – is to place a pre-order before it is too late . . .
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April 7, 2019:
As part of the Hexagram zine for The Fantasy Trip (preorders closing tomorrow), we created two different postcard micro-labyrinths that proved popular with supporters. As a part of the zine campaign, we have decided to open up a new postcard labyrinth contest! It closes on May 31, and we're looking forward to your submissions . . .
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April 8, 2019:
Three of the more popular Munchkin games – Munchkin Cthulhu, Munchkin Zombies, and Star Munchkin – are being expanded! Now funding on Kickstarter, our campaign to create three mini-expansions for the three titles comes to a close on Friday, and it's still going strong! . . .
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April 9, 2019:
Ogre players, we're happy to announce that we released two new playmats at FnordCon over the weekend . . . and that both are available right now at Warehouse 23! Ogre Playmat M6 and Ogre Playmat M7 may be used on their own or combined with other mats to create a larger battlefield for your Ogre and Ogre Miniatures scenarios. Both playmats are available in a limited supply – though, if necessary, we'll eventually reprint them for upcoming Ogre projects on Kickstarter . . .
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April 10, 2019:
This past weekend was FnordCon, and we could not be happier. We sold out . . . we capped at 150 tickets due to parking limitations at the site . . .
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April 11, 2019:
Our Pocket Box preorder page is now live at BackerKit, giving everyone the chance to preorder near-exact reproductions of dozens of Steve Jackson Games titles from the '80s. Car Wars. Illuminati. Raid on Iran. Ogre. Necromancer. More! . . .
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April 12, 2019:
This is your last chance to join the Kickstarter campaign to create new Munchkin Cthulhu, Munchkin Zombies, and Star Munchkin mini-expansions. We're happy to report that backer support has unlocked all the stretch goals: all three mini-expansions each have 30 cards! . . .
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April 13, 2019:
Now that The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition is in our warehouse and set to reach stores later this month, we're seeing an increased level of excitement for the return of this old-school roleplaying game. Everyone who has already received their Kickstarter rewards knows just how much we packed inside the box, and we're looking forward to your comments and pics when you get your copy of the game from your favorite local game store . . .
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April 14, 2019:
Victorian-era heroes always have a use for gear, guns, and garb . . . and that goes doubly so when it's a steampunk world! Phil Masters – author of GURPS Steampunk 1: Settings and Style and GURPS Vehicles: Steampunk Conveyances – returns with more insight into alternate late 18th- through early 20th-century technology, with GURPS Steampunk 2: Steam and Shellfire . . .
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April 15, 2019:
Last year, our partners at GPI created the Dice Saber. This collection of 101 dice is packaged inside a special case, perfect for dice collectors looking for something a little unexpected and fun . . .
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April 16, 2019:
The majority of our manufacturing flows through the GPI offices and factories, where they produce everything from Zombie Dice to Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 to The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition. We've produced millions of units (of games, expansions, and accessories) in their factories over the last decade, and they're consistently our first choice when working on a project . . .
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April 17, 2019:
Last year, your support helped us bring back The Fantasy Trip in a large, amazing box set that we've identified as the Legacy Edition. You destroyed stretch goal after stretch goal during the campaign, and the result is a giant edition of this classic roleplaying game . . . that is in stores today! . . .
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April 18, 2019:
As you already know, we run two separate accounts at Kickstarter: Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23. In the interest of transparency and keeping everyone updated on the status of our various projects, we've started regularly publishing a summary of our crowdfunding efforts . . .
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April 19, 2019:
Did you miss out on the Pocket Box campaign on Kickstarter? Now's your chance to take advantage of a preorder special to guarantee that the Illuminati Pocket Box Collection will be in your hands late this year . . .
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April 20, 2019:
One of the most innovative companies to come out of the 1990s was Cheapass Games. Founded by James Ernest, they were known for titles such as Kill Doctor Lucky, Before I Kill You, Mister Spy (which is in my collection under a different, infringey-er name), and Button Men . . .
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April 21, 2019:
Wow, look at the terrain! It's pretty, it's useful, and it's cheap . . .
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April 22, 2019:
We're back with your monthly Munchkin missive, full of after-action reports, pre-action aspirations, and a heaping dollop of whimsy. Let's get started! . . .
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April 23, 2019:
Our Pocket Box campaign on Kickstarter closed last month with almost 2,000 project backers and over $250,000 in support, leading to the production of over 30 classic Steve Jackson Games titles from the '80s. While games like Car Wars, Illuminati, and Ogre were certainly a part of the project, it is the long-forgotten classics – including Necromancer, Kung Fu 2100, Raid on Iran, Awful Green Things, Undead, and One-Page Bulge – that we want to direct your attention to today . . .
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April 24, 2019:
For many years, we've written an annual report to our stakeholders, an elite group that begins with YOU. Want to see how we think we did for 2018 – the good, the bad, and the "meh"? . . .
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April 25, 2019:
The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition has shipped to the Kickstarter backers and is now in stores . . . which means it's time for the Decks of Destiny expansion! Or expansions, because there are so many different card decks packed into the upcoming Kickstarter campaign . . .
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April 26, 2019:
Did you miss out on the recent Pocket Box campaign? Would you like to own near-exact replicas of the 1980s Ogre, G.E.V., and Battlesuit Pocket Box games plus expansions? . . .
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April 27, 2019:
Remember when I wrote about the time I played Planet Mercenary, complete with illustration? That illo was by Keliana Tayler . . .
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April 28, 2019:
But in a GOOD way. Dave Denison had an unadorned copy of Munchkin Sketch Edition lying around and decided to put it to good use at his local Extra Life charity event . . .
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April 29, 2019:
Out of a 1984 issue of Fantasy Gamer, this ad for the Necromancer game would be a bit of a mean thing to share with the world . . . if not for the fact that you can preorder Necromancer today! Out-of-print for over three decades, it is only thanks to the support of our Pocket Box backers on Kickstarter that the game is coming back late this year . . .
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April 30, 2019:
I'll be at five shows between now and the end of August. Come visit if you get the chance!
• Brickworld in Schaumburg, IL . . .
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