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Abbreviations for GURPS Titles

3EThis book is for GURPS Third Edition or earlier.
4EThis book is for GURPS Fourth Edition.

The following abbreviations were used when making page references in GURPS Third Edition books. GURPS Fourth Edition uses no abbreviations other than "B" for the GURPS Basic Set. Every effort has been made to maintain consistency with past usage, where possible.

Page References

Page references in GURPS Third Edition are given by the appropriate one- to three-letter abbreviation, followed by the page number; e.g., "p. M72" means "page 72 of GURPS Magic," and "p. B109" refers to page 109 of the GURPS Basic Set.

Abbreviation  For  Title
A3E Aliens
AA3E Wild Cards: Aces Abroad
AC3E Alpha Centauri
AD3E Autoduel
AE3E Alternate Earths
AET3E Alternate Earths 2
AH3E Atomic Horror
AN3E Arabian Nights
AON3E Age of Napoleon
ASJ3E All-Star Jam 2004
AT3E Atlantis
AZ3E Aztecs
B3E Basic Set (Third Edition, Revised)
B4E Basic Set: Characters and Campaigns (Deluxe Edition)
BB3E Bunnies & Burrows
BD3E Transhuman Space: Broken Dreams
BE3E Bestiary
BIO3E Bio-Tech (First Edition)
BO3E Black Ops
BP3E Blue Planet
BT3E Blood Types
C3E Cops
CA3E Camelot
CB3E Cabal
CCS3E Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
CF3E Castle Falkenstein
CH3E China
CI3E Compendium I
CII3E Compendium II
CL3E Cliffhangers
CM3E Celtic Myth
CN3E Creatures of the Night
CO3E Conan
CT3E CthulhuPunk
CV3E Covert Ops
CW3E Cyberworld
CY3E Cyberpunk
CYA3E Cyberpunk Adventures
D3E Dinosaurs
D:DN13E Deadlands Dime Novel 1 – Aces and Eights
D:DN23E Deadlands Dime Novel 2 – Wanted: Undead or Alive
D:H3E Deadlands: Hexes
D:V3E Deadlands: Varmints
DA3E Discworld Also
DB3E Transhuman Space: Deep Beyond
DL3E Deadlands: Weird West
DR4E 3E Dragons
E3E Espionage
EG3E Egypt
F3E Fantasy (Second Edition)
FA3E Fantasy Adventures
FAE3E Faerie
FB3E Fantasy Bestiary
FF3E Fantasy Folk
FII3E Fantasy II: The Mad Lands
FW3E Transhuman Space: Fifth Wave
G3E Grimoire
GB3E Goblins
GR3E Greece
GT3E Traveller
H3E Horror (Third Edition)
HA3E Fantasy: Harkwood
HB3E Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
HF3E Transhuman Space: High Frontier
HO3E Horseclans
HT3E High-Tech (Third Edition)
HU3E Humanx
I3E Illuminati
IA3E Ice Age
IN3E In Nomine
IR3E Imperial Rome
IST3E Supers: International Super Teams
ITW3E Transhuman Space: In The Well
J3E Japan
L3E Lensman
LI3E Lite (Third Edition, Revised)
LT3E Low-Tech (First Edition)
M3E Magic (Second Edition)
MA3E Martial Arts (Second Edition)
MAA3E Martial Arts Adventures
MAO3E Middle Ages 1
MAR3E Mars
MD3E Supers: Mixed Doubles
ME3E Mecha
MF3E Modern Firepower
MI3E Magic Items 1
MIiii3E Magic Items 3
MIT3E Magic Items 2
MO3E Monsters
MTA3E Mage: The Ascension
MTM3E Man to Man
MY3E Myth
NS3E New Sun
OD3E Transhuman Space: Orbital Decay
OE3E Operation Endgame
OG3E Ogre
OSF3E Horror: The Old Stone Fort
OT3E Castle Falkenstein: The Ottoman Empire
OW3E Old West
P3E Psionics
PA3E Planet of Adventure
PF3E Transhuman Space: Personnel Files
PK3E Planet Krishna
PM3E Places of Mystery
PR3E Prisoner
PYi3E Best of Pyramid 1
PYii3E Best of Pyramid 2
R3E Religion
RAT13E AADA Road Atlas V1: The East Coast
RAT23E AADA Road Atlas V2: The West Coast
RAT33E AADA Road Atlas V3: The South
RAT43E AADA Road Atlas V4: Australia
RAT53E AADA Road Atlas V5: The Midwest
RAT63E AADA Road Atlas V6: The Free Oil States
RAT73E AADA Road Atlas V7: Mountain West
RG3E Rogues
RH3E Robin Hood
RI3E Riverworld
RO3E Robots
RS3E Reign of Steel
RU3E Russia
S3E Space (Third Edition)
SA3E Space Adventures
SAT13E Space Atlas
SAT23E Space Atlas 2
SAT33E Space Atlas 3
SAT43E Space Atlas 4
SB3E Space Bestiary
SC3E Supporting Cast
SCR3E Screampunk
SH3E Shapeshifters
SO3E Special Ops
SP3E Scarlet Pimpernel
SPI3E Spirits
SS3E Supers: Super Scum
SSS3E Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System
ST3E Supertemps
STE3E Steam-Tech
STM3E Steampunk
SU3E Supers (Second Edition)
SUA3E Supers Adventures
SW3E Swashbucklers
T3E Technomancer
T:AI3E Traveller: Alien Races 1
T:AII3E Traveller: Alien Races 2
T:AIII3E Traveller: Alien Races 3
T:AIV3E Traveller: Alien Races 4
T:BC3E Traveller: Behind The Claw
T:BH3E Traveller: Heroes 1 – Bounty Hunters
T:FI3E Traveller: First In
T:FT3E Traveller: Far Trader
T:GF3E Traveller: Ground Forces
T:GM3E Traveller GM's Screen
T:H3E Traveller: Humaniti
T:Ji3E Traveller: The Best of JTAS 1
T:MC3E Traveller: Modular Cutter
T:N3E Traveller: Nobles
T:PS13E Traveller: Planetary Survey 1 – Kamsii
T:PS23E Traveller: Planetary Survey 2 – Denuli
T:PS33E Traveller: Planetary Survey 3 – Granicus
T:PS43E Traveller: Planetary Survey 4 – Glisten
T:PS53E Traveller: Planetary Survey 5 – Tobibak
T:PS63E Traveller: Planetary Survey 6 – Darkmoon
T:RF3E Traveller: Rim of Fire
T:S3E Traveller: Starships
T:SM3E Traveller: Star Mercs
T:ST3E Traveller: Starports
T:SW3E Traveller: Sword Worlds
TE3E Space: Terradyne
TI3E Timeline
TM3E Transhuman Space: Toxic Memes
TR3E Fantasy: Tredroy
TS3E Transhuman Space
TT3E Time Travel
TTA3E Time Travel Adventures
U3E Uplift
UN3E Undead
UP3E Transhuman Space: Under Pressure
UT3E Ultra-Tech (Second Edition, Revised)
UTT3E Ultra-Tech 2
V3E Villains
VC3E Vampire Companion
VE3E Vehicles
VEL3E Vehicles Lite
VI3E Vikings
VO3E Voodoo
VTM3E Vampire: The Masquerade
VXi3E Vehicles Expansion 1
VXii3E Vehicles Expansion 2
W:AKM3E WWII: All the King's Men
W:D3E WWII: Dogfaces
W:FH3E WWII: Frozen Hell
W:GL3E WWII: Grim Legions
W:HS3E WWII: Hand of Steel
W:IC3E WWII: Iron Cross
W:MP3E WWII: Motor Pool
W:RH3E WWII: Return to Honor
W:WW3E WWII: Weird War II
WA3E Warriors
WAC3E War Against the Chtorr
WC3E Wild Cards
WI3E Wizards
WT3E Warehouse 23
WTA3E Werewolf: The Apocalypse
WW3E Witch World
WWi3E Who's Who 1
WWii3E Who's Who 2

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